Expats working in essential services: We need you!

Hello all,

How are you?

We are looking for expats working in essential services to be featured in the next edition of our Expat magazine. If you're a nurse, a doctor, a paramedic, policeman, fireman or have any other job that means you will have to go out and work during the lockdown- please drop me a message or answer on this thread.

We would be super happy to feature you heroes in our next edition!

In the meantime, please do take care of yourselves especially during these uncertain times!


Dear Admin...I am not a frontliner in any field that related to MCO in Malaysia now...but my pleasure to be ready and assisting for any charity in our community.

Hi Ann, what kind of service.

What service do you require?

Windhoek wrote:

What service do you require?

If you're a nurse, a doctor, a paramedic, policeman, fireman or have any other job that means you will have to go out and work during the lockdown

Sorry, I didn't fall any of the category you mentioned. I worked as a GM and HR personal in Middle East and Africa

I'm an health and safety environment professional.
Currently in Belgium due to Covid-19 can't leave from here.

I am presently in New Zealand and working on 2 dairy farms, feeding calves, feeding out stock food to the cows, maintaining farm machinery and a myriad of other jobs necessary to keep the places running efficiently.
NZ is in lock down now but I am classed as an essential worker and carry a letter with me when traveling to and from home to work. I am required to show this along with photo ID if stopped by the police.

I am a nurse and have never seen so much appreciation for what we do.  If only it could last long after current events.

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