'Indecisive" - With our plans to work in Italy

Hi, My girlfriend and I are both planning to go to Italy via my cousins invitation to Germany. From there we will be taking a train to Milan where my father will be temporarily providing our basic needs. I'm both excited and afraid to be honest because I know that life abroad is not easy and because of our illegal way of entry. Do you have any advise for me regarding this adventure which I am about to embark? Thank you.

ur entrance to italy is legal if u have the shengen visa ...but if its just the german one u wont be able to enter italy cause the train stations have turned to be like airports and there are offices there that check ur passport ....ur entry is just for tourism and working there is not permitted ..for that if u try finding a job it wont be so easy and even if u can do ..it will be with a very low salary...beware nobody is stupid !

You can enter Italy and stay for up to 90 days. To stay and work in Italy you need a Permesso di Soggiorno, you have to a apply in a Commissariato and pay different fees, it takes ages though. If you don't know italian, it is very hard to get a job and it is even hard for the italians themselves. I think is great that you have a place to stay on arrival, maybe your dad has contacts to help you to get a job.
