The Dominant Feeling is Loneliness

Loneliness in a crowd of people is the worst kind of loneliness, but I cannot help it.

Someone who leads a lonely existence always have something on their mind that they are eager to talk about. If you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it's not because they enjoy solitude. It's because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them.

Love is something far more than desire for a physical touch; it is the principal means of escape from the loneliness which afflicts us throughout the greater part of our lives. Now, the dominant feeling is loneliness. It is the ultimate poverty.

Wow, that sounds like you are really depressed!
In my opinion, if "people continue to disappoint", then that's probably not the fault of the people but your unrealistic expectations about them. In any case, retreating into loneliness is not the right thing to do in this situation.
And a longing for the end of loneliness has nothing to do with love.

beppi wrote:

Wow, that sounds like you are really depressed!
In my opinion, if "people continue to disappoint", then that's probably not the fault of the people but your unrealistic expectations about them. In any case, retreating into loneliness is not the right thing to do in this situation.
And a longing for the end of loneliness has nothing to do with love.

Loneliness and depression are two different emotions. Loneliness is a universal feeling that we all go through sometimes, but depression is the loose of passion and excitement about life, and this is not how I feel.

I understand you, FeminineHeart. The longing for connectedness in a world that is often untrustworthy. Finding the solid ground within on which to stand apart and whole, between moments of connection. Loneliness is sometimes mixed with depression, and can sometimes lead to it ... but it is also its own unique part of the human journey.

Trust, love, friendship, ect.... comes down to Loyalty, its definition is deep and far beyond love relations and cheating bla bla bla. It's about being firmly committed to your values no matter what/when / where or who, every time we don't hold on that commitment  we slip into mistrust, betrayal, irresponsibility, not being accountable and so on, this is what causes disappoint and it eventually leads to severing ties with people we once thought they were the ONE ( friend, partner, husband ect.....).

There are times were you need to pick your battles and severe ties with the ones that cause harm to you or loved ones, but that won't be the case for of them, set your limits and focus on the unique qualities each one has, and live life as there are no perfect humans.

It's all in our mind!Learn to control your emotions and not your emotions will control you!Be happy with little things,and never depends your happiness to someone else or other people:)

I can relate.... I also feel that if you can't be alone with your self then you can't be with anyone else physically as in dating.... Some people that choose to be alone are spend their life journey by themselves are very intelligent ..... They are untamed and see must of the people in their society as domesticated individuals, trained and just going on with the status quo..

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