If any people like to visit some creepy place

HI, I am bima
sorry,the post before is in the wrong place so I edit it.hehe
rigt, I want to ask.,will any of you have a like to visit a horror palce ?
say do you believe in ghost,? and would you pay for look at it ?
no, I am serious,I am just wonder if any people like to visit some creepy place for adrenaline

There are scary and creepy places for sure but I don't really believe in ghosts.

Hey Bima!  My first son's name is also Bima!

In Bali there is the famous "Ghost Palace" in Bedugal.  While not officially open to the public, a small donation to the security guard will grant you unlimited access to this haunting place. 

You might want to check this out...


There is also abandoned place which is used to be an amusement park in Padanggalak area in Sanur. Many people says that there are many ghosts in that place. Just in case you want to witness by yourself