Lost residence card in the Philippines

Hi. Im a student in the philippines but im a resident in Oman. I lost my residence card here in the philippines but it hasn't expired yet. Im going back in oman this november. What should i do? Will I get past the immigration?

As long as you have the VISA endorsed in your passport,  you will ..

Thank you, daker_doober! I was worried that I might not get pass the immigration

Hi Adrnkrl,

You must lodge a police complaint against the loss of your resident card, in the place where your card was lost.

Carry a copy / original of that police complaint document with you, to be shown to the immigration authorities as official evidence and proof of your loss.

The same can also be produced as proof while you get a duplicate issued by the Directorate General of Immigration and Residence Status in Seeb after your arrival.

Hi Sumitran,

Where can I file a complaint about the loss of my residence card?
Thank you

Adrnkrl wrote:

Hi Sumitran,

Where can I file a complaint about the loss of my residence card?
Thank you

I have clearly mentioned where you must lodge the lost complaint.

File a police report in the Philippines and get a copy of it so that you will have proof