Can i get MM2H by RM 20,000 ?

Is there has any way to get Malaysia Second Home Programme Approval within RM 2,00000 ? I have checked official requirement is RM 3,00000.
My Age 30.


Not sure what you mean. But if you only have RM20k saved up it is too little as the financial requirements for MM2H is high and getting higher all the time. If I had only RM20k and wanted to move overseas, I'd consider the US or Canada as their immigration laws are not strict compared to almost every other country in the world.

Sorry its was my mistake. I wanted to write RM 200000.

Please suggest me ...

I think you need to have at least RM300k to be permanently deposited into a fixed deposit account which basically cannot be touched except under certain circumstances, and then you'd need a letter from the Ministry of Tourism granting you permission to remove any of those funds without which your bank would not allow you to touch it. I think you also need to have proof of overseas income. It used to be RM10k per month, but the rules are always changing and my information might be out of date.

What is important for the under 50s is to show income per annum. Over 50's its easier. Pension or continuing payments of regular earnings are OK.