Computer viruses

What is up with  Every time I log in my virus detector in short order detects a virus. I also get warning that it is not a trusted site.

Hi Diazo,
This is strange...nothing there and usually an antivirus don't check much websites. It is usually the web browser that will apply a first security layer. (The antivirus will check what you download tho)

So are you sure it is your virus detector saying this? Can you post a screenshot?

I'm wondering, as this is typical of fake virus detector. They will "scream" you got a virus!! QUICKLY DOWNLOAD THIS to delete all viruses. But in fact, you WILL install a virus bypassing most protections :(

So, make sure it is coming from your antivirus and not something else.

With Bitdefender and many others, you can do an online scan to quickly check if any virus. But here again, make sure it is legit.
You can use any of these:

It is indeed (I think) Bitfinder that is detecting these and giving me notification. I subscribe to bit finder. The notices that I get about not being a trusted site come from my Firefox browser.
I am no computer expert for sure. I am just letting others know so they can be aware. I do run a complete Bitfinder scan about every day as well. Seems that every time I run it it detects another virus. Bitfinder cam highly recommended by computer review magazines so I subscribed.

Hi Diazo,

Do you have a message like this? … _error.jpg

Can you post a screenshot?

Thank you

Indeed, when it is a Firefox issue that it the notice I get. But on the virus side it just comes from Bitdefender. I will try and make a note to try and get a screen shot. Now it does not happen all the time.
Of course when I use Safari I don't get anything like the waring you sent me. That is just when I try and login with Firefox.