How to make friends in England

We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals and other expats) when you're living in England :top:

Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in England??

Thanks in advance for your participation

(1) Join a local church.  They're full of nice, happy, friendly people.  Even if you're not a strong believer, it doesn't hurt to sit politely for an hour and sing along to the tunes.  We found a LOT of eager, helpful new friends very quickly by just walking into a random church one morning.

(2) Look for local clubs like Rotary International.

(3) Wander into a pub and offer to buy a round for the guy next to you at the bar.

(4) Get a job.  Most workplaces are full of co-workers who have lives and friends and everything :-)  Even if you're a home-maker, get yourself a pretend job -- go down to a local council school and volunteer to help with the after-care program, or volunteer at the local library, or something.  Point is, you'll meet lots of people!

(5) Bake a pie and take it to your neighbors.

it is a good way to make new friends

In world where so much is done via the web...consider connecting with people through MeetUp.

I have had huge success meeting fellow expats and new friends on also.  There's groups for everyone there or start your own.

There's great affordable adult education courses on where you could learn something new and fun and meet new people at the same time.

Join a sporting team or exercise group.  Exercise helps relieve stress.

The most important thing is to get out of your home, even for a walk to the shops or park.  It's so important.  I'm a pretty adventurous person, but my first few months in London were scary learning how to get around the transportation system. 

Good luck to everyone!

my name is hao,iam from viet nam and i am chasing my dream at my university,it is to become a business man and get sucess in life,although the language of my country is different from english but i always consider english as if my second language,is there any body a volunteer to help me?we  can talk to each other,i think i could bring fun for both of us.your best friend:D

I think when I decided to join a gym here it really helped with the loneliness plus I had a workout too.  You can meet a few people at the various classes that are offered at the Gym.  People will offer to show you how the equipment works, etc.  and then you can start a conversation.  I found that being friendly plus not being afraid to approach people first seemed to work.
Take care.