Need advice on job agencies etc.

I'm taking a gap from my current career as DTP/Graphic Designer and want to go to Israel to work and live. I'm thinking of doing caregiver work because I have done this job many years ago in the UK. I'm not sure if I should fly over to Israel and just visit the agencies and hopefully get a job or apply for private positions. I have contacted some agencies but so far I have gotten one reply back and they only deal with Latin Americans. I have not found a agency in South Africa that could assist me in this career dealing with Israel. Can someone pls advice me on how I should go about it and any contact will be greatly appreciated.

Well first of all, are you Jewish?

If not & you don't have permission to become a citizen, you do need a work visa.

Now saying that, there may be someone who would hire you without one, but I would find it hard to trust someone that you don't know, as I don't trust anyone in this country. They lie a lot & can play games. Not that you won't find that in other countries, but just saying.

There are TONS of South Africans here if that's what you are (you didn't say), so they may be able to get you something.

Let me know where you are from & if you are Jewish, & then I can tell you more.

Facebook is where most of everyone is on. You just need to search for groups (there are tons).

There are job groups, but they are usually for other types of work, but again, putting an ad out on there may get you some leads.

And btw, I thought most of the caregivers here are Filipino unless there are S. Americans here too, I only see Filipinos, & the odd East Indian.

And is there a reason you don't want to do your current skill set? The IT industry is HUGE, so you could probably find a job doing that, although again, if you don't have a work visa & you aren't going to get citizenship (assuming you are Jewish, but it doesn't sound like you are), that may be difficult.

Hi, I'm not Jewish and my reason for registering to this site is to get advice as to how to go about it to live and work only for a year or two in Israel to travel in Israel and Europe from there. I'm only thinking of caregiver work because I used to to that in the UK and didn't think I would get a job in my current career. Also I don't have papers for DTP_Graphic Design only 15 years of experience. I need to know if I can visit Israel and meet with various caregiver agencies then apply for a work visa. I know that there is alot of Filipinos and South Americans but why would they not employ a South African. I need to contact the agencies but did not get any replies.  Or can I apply to private caregiving ads and then apply for a work visa once I have an employer, not sure if a private employer would even consider me.
Kind regards

Well if that's the case, then I think you should ask a lawyer.

Here's 2 FB groups you can join & ask & hopefully you will get the same answer from different lawyers so you can "assume" what they are saying is correct.

Be aware that I don't trust many lawyers. If you still want to forge ahead after you get your answer, then get back to me & at that point I think you should ask a different group for recommendations for a lawyer.

I don't think it's wise to move here & then try to get a visa. Almost all countries require you to apply from outside.

As for DT. I don't think (don't quote me) they will require you to have papers. If you show them your portfolio, that should be enough for many companies.

Thank you, I'll look into it.

You are most welcome.

:proud  Good  Morning.
Nice  to meet  you

Thanks  and  regards,
Dr. Bala

@learning2016 , pls 🙏 I wanna know more Israel county, as for Nigerian can I get works easily & how's the place here is my WhatsApp number,****

Moderated by Bhavna last year
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@talk2goodness1i Hello please note that this is an old thread. This members hasn't been active on the forum for the past 3 years...Try contacting the professionals listed in the Jobs in Israel section of the business directory.

