Tell us something that we don't already know
A Mexican NGO has published their most recent list of the Top 50 Most Violent Cities in the World. This year the  Consejo Ciudadano para la Seguridad Publica y la Justicia (Citizen's Council for Public Security and Justice) has included fully 21 Brazilian cities on that list.

The fact that more Brazilian cities are appearing on this list with each passing year is a clear sign that the Brazilian government has completely failed to come to terms with the issue of violent crime. In all of my 14 years in this country legislators have simply given lip service to the issue of creating stiffer penalties and for a complete overhaul of this country's antiquated Penal Code and Brazil's juvenile laws the "Estatuto de Criança e Adolescente". In all that time, despite the overwhelming public outcry, they have done absolutely nothing other than making a lot of hollow promises. I would not be the least bit surprised to see Brazil occupy HALF of the spots on that list, possibly as early as next year.

None of this however comes as any surprise to the average Brazilian citizen, or any of us expats who have been living in Brazil for any length of time.

However, in all fairness I must say that in terms of danger to us expats in Brazil it is no more dangerous for us to live here than in major cities in most parts of the world. One must always take the common sense precautions that they would when they travel and avoid, or at least greatly reduce, the risk of becoming the victim of violent crime. A complete list of common-sense safety precautions can be found in my topic A Gringo's Survival Guide to Brazil. Read them, memorize them and follow them without fail.

See the list of Top 50 Most Violent Cities HERE

James Experts Team

you tend to find the "criminals" that are in charge, dont lock up other "criminals"