South African Immigrants Documentary Project

Hi Everybody.

Please allow me to share the following with you. I am a South African based in Cape Town and I'm currently in the USA working on a video documentary on South African Immigrants. I will also be visiting other countries in 2016 to conduct further interviews with SA Immigrants. If you would like to get involved with this project or would like more info, please let me know.

Thank you for your time.
Harold Schenk

Hi Harold,

I think it would be best to post in the countries that you plan to visit. This way the members from concerned countries would have a chance to read your post before you visit them and your chances of interaction will become better. You can choose countries/ cities from DESTINATIONS in menu bar.

Good luck

I am planning to visit Australia, New Zealan, Europe, UK, Canada.

Sure, as I suggeste you can post on individual forums.

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