Presentation of members in Cartagena

Hello and welcome on!

We invite the new members in Cartagena and surroundings to present themselves in this discussion :)

Are you living here since some time or did you just arrive?

What brought you to Cartagena? What passionates you, do you have hobbies?

Thanks for your presentation and see you soon on expat-blog!

Hi, I am Carlos Suarez, very new in here, would like to meet you all guys and girls. I like to swimming, play basketball and walk trough the jungle.

Hi Carlos,

Welcome to!

Hola. Me llamo Francisco, soy guipuzcoano y llevo algo más de un año residiendo en Cartagena, junto a mi mujer y mi niña. Me gusta viajar, conocer gente, disfrutar de una buena tertulia entre amigos, el deporte en toda su dimensión y deleitarme con lo maravilloso de los atardeceres cartageneros.

Hi FranciscoJ!

As this is the anglophone forum could you please post in English?


Hi, I am in the first stages of retirement planning overseas and am trying to focus on a location.  I'm 60 and plan on retiring within 10 years.  I visited Cartagena once and have been to Colombia 3 times.  Other places I've visited are Santa Marta, Bogota and Medellin.

I like Colombia a lot, particularly the Cartagena/Santa Marta area, more so Santa Marta.  The main reasons for wanting to retire overseas (and Colombia) are financial, the weather and ease of traveling to the US.  However, I only speak a little Spanish.  I also don't want to live in big tourist spot which might completely rule out Cartagena.  I enjoyed Medellin also, but I want to be close to the beach.  I am divorced with no kids and, at this point, would be coming alone.

The reason I'm planning so far in advance is to have time to travel to my expected retirement area to ensure that I am making the right decision and possibly, to buy land or a condo prior to retiring.

Any suggestions appreciated including books or internet resources.  Gracias!
