Getting visa to Russia (work, studing)

Hello, guys. My bf is German and he is thinking about moving to Russia. So first we were thinking, that he can study Russian (for visa). And after find a job. But its so expensive!!! Like 23000 per month!!!!Also we were thinking, if he can work in some school, like teaching. As I know, sometimes its not necessary to have qualification, if you are native speaker. So I would be happy to get any advice about possibilities of getting visa to Russia. How did you do it? Also if you know some schools or universities with providing visa (and cheaper, that I found) and you can advice me, I will be really greatful. Thank you very much.

I believe that native German speaker could have good salary as German teacher not in school/uni but on language courses. Try - I often saw there jobs lika as you need for bf. Or try google language courses in msk - they are numerous so I'm sure there would be no problem.