Hies i am really in need to

wanna move to kwait wanna leave to work to survive god i trust you will let the blessings come, thanks for reading :)

your best solution would be to find a job by applying online :)

You can survive anywhere but for better life you might need to travel. Kuwait is very nice place if you find a good job. Not so nice if you don't.

i checked your profile;

1) your current skill sets as a tour guide would not benefit u here in Kuwait (limited tourism)
2) not a good idea to put your personal mobile number up on your profile
3) in this world you cannot sit back and wait for opportunity to come to you; you have to find it, therefore, i suggest instead of asking strangers to help you find a job, on the virtue of you too being a stranger to them, that you actively pursue applying for jobs in Kuwait and networking in such a way that you build a resource of references.

anything other than that is just wishful thinking.