Tattoo in Amharic


I want to tattoo a word "strength" in Amharic and I am looking for someone who would be able to tell me the best word for it. Just to give you overview why this and why Amharic - I have been through some bad time in my life and my "convalescence" started with a trip to Ethiopia. This word should reflect the strength of my spirit, the determination. I would like to place the tattoo on my neck.

I would be very grateful for your help.


I can't support you regarding your basic request. Just to say the same appears to me. After a long time filled with lots of self-doubts and psycho depressions I traveled to Ethiopia in 2011. It was as if Ethiopia has cured me. Since then I went in and out many times again and met many wonderful people there. I met the love of my live :) and my best friend ever. By the way I got some of my tribal tattoos in Addis which I really love.

I have lived in Ghana and Kenya but nowhere is was as it was in Ethio. I am feeling very good in Ethio because people are quiet, don't harrass you and let you in peace (different from Ghana and Kenya).

ጥንካሬ would be the right word.