**** SNAG **** Social Security Checks!

I just knew there would be a snag...

Now I find that Uncle Sam will not send social security checks to Cambodia!  I suppose I could have it direct-depostied in the US and then get the money via debit card... but sooner or later they will mail something to you, it will be returned, then...?

Is anybody doping this long-term?  How to handle it?

here:  http://www.khmer440.com/chat_forum/view … p?p=128518 is some interesting conversation on this topic, though inconclusive...?

You can go to the embassy and fill out a form that will allow your SS checks to be sent here.  Takes about 3 months before they get here.  I guess red tape.  only problem is that you have to go and pick up your check every month.  You are correct about if they mail something to you and you do not respond to it.  that will stop the checks from coming.
I started the process when i got here in Aug, should have my 1st check in Nov here.

So they will not accept that they deposit your benefits in a USA account , live in Cambodia and get your money via ATM in Cambodia? SSA has now a visa debit card also now that you can apply and use it to get your benefits. Also keep in mind that if you walk to the Embassy to get your check, if you deposit it in your bank account there, it will take 30 days to clear.

Read this from US Embassy in Cambodia

http://www.aarp.org/work/social-securit … rseas.html

U.S. citizens may receive Social Security retirement benefits while residing in Cambodia.  However, exception requirements must be met to receive Social Security benefits in Cambodia.  Social Security Administration (SSA) restrictions prohibit direct deposit of funds to bank accounts in Cambodia, or sending your payments to anybody else while you are in Cambodia.  For more information on receiving benefits while overseas, please visit the SSA website.

If you qualify for an exception, your benefit payments will either be sent to the U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh or direct deposited into your U.S. bank account.  Benefit checks sent to the Embassy must be picked up by the beneficiary in person; they may not be mailed to you or picked up by anybody else.  Also, to receive benefits in Cambodia, whether via check or direct deposit, the beneficiary must appear in person at the U.S. Embassy each month.  Failure to do so may result in your benefits payments being stopped. Please make an appointment for your monthly appearance here or by clicking the calendar icon on the right

i'm right with you...

if i don't say anything my money keeps hitting my us account until they mail something to me and it gets returned, or i fail to respond.  then i bet the payments would stop 'cause they might think i'm dead.

i have not read anything about the debit card being allowed to those in cambodia.  do you know anyone actually doing this?

my question at my bank will be, can i scan the check (both sides) and email it to you to be deposited?  bank of america has an app that lest you take a picture of the check now...

I get my SS deposited in my US bank,then use my ATM to withdraw all I can, and deposit the money in my local Bank. You can also get your bank in the US to wire transfer any amount to a local bank. It does take 2 days, and costs about $45.

Whats the US Embassy need for ss recipients to report every month to the embassy? What else do they do or ask, besides seeing you in person? Thanks

Whats the US Embassy need for ss recipients to report every month to the embassy? What else do they do or ask, besides seeing you in person? Thanks

I have never been to the embassy! Get your SS deposited in  the US, and keep the embassy out of your business.