Customer Service in Phnom Penh ?

How is the customer service there? Are they receptive if you ask for food to be heated if its served lukewarm or cold like they do in the Philippines? If you order a sprite or ice tea and its flat with no fizz or 98% water? Thanks

Hit or miss. I've been to places with Cambodians and the service was excellent and I've been to places where the service was crap. That said, alot of the foreign run establishments at least attempt to have good customer service. I've seen some training their staff and constantly watching to see what they are doing and how they're handling situations. Not all, but some.

So is the service better than in the PI? IMO yes, but speaking generally, the PI is not one of my favorite places. I find their attitudes to be a bit too strong for me, their humor without humor and the lowliest traffic guard can try and force you to do something because he feels it's his job.

I once had a Mall cop follow me out to the main road. He informed me I was not allowed to get a taxi on the main road, I had to go wait in line at the mall. The taxi driver and I both laughed at him as I got in and we drove away. Unreal sometimes.

Then again, I have some good Filipino friends, but they are few and far between.

Thanks, I'm not Filipino but I have lived here for years with no problems. But it's time to move on!