The reasons?

I'm working on a documetary,
I wanted to ask you. What are the reasons that led you to leave your country?

My wife said it was too cold in England.

Any other questions?

48 years ago I left home for adventure and work.

stumpy wrote:

48 years ago I left home for adventure and work.

Cool, so very, very cool.

I got my adventures and work. Never went home to settle.
Settled in Asia and work around in different countries.

stumpy wrote: 48 years ago I left home for adventure and work.

Good God, Stumpy, you must be nearly as old as I am! I too left for adventure and work. That went well for the first 15 years, but having a child changed everything, and we pulled up exhausted here in the Caribbean in '78.

ITM: I doubt if there is a documentary in this; there would be too much diversity.

In The Meanwhile wrote:

I'm working on a documetary,

If you ever fancy doing one about an expat in Indonesia, call me. … 573#527221

I am well overdue for a pension by now !!

But with 5 kids from 2 marriages ranging in age from 6 to 35 and a 10 yr old granddaughter I need to keep working until I  am 90....

Stumpy - unless you're married to a Laotian, I don't suppose you're entitled to the local pension, or any other pension. That's my story too. Stay healthy, and stay working!

I only left so I could be in a documentary.

In The Meanwhile wrote:

I wanted to ask you. What are the reasons that led you to leave your country?

Because I don't want my life restricted by virtual lines that other people draw on maps and call borders.

Economic and lifestyle changes.

In The Meanwhile wrote:

I'm working on a documetary,
I wanted to ask you. What are the reasons that led you to leave your country?

I tagged along with my parents when I was six. :)

Gordon Barlow wrote:

stumpy wrote: 48 years ago I left home for adventure and work.

Good God, Stumpy, you must be nearly as old as I am! I too left for adventure and work. That went well for the first 15 years, but having a child changed everything, and we pulled up exhausted here in the Caribbean in '78.

ITM: I doubt if there is a documentary in this; there would be too much diversity.

It would be great if we could have a poll of everyone (anonymous) to see the age ranges.
I reckon Mas Fred is no spring chicken either (sorry lamb :))

i am from third world country, wanted to have financial status improvement that is why i left my country, and i am doing well being an expat.

My 2nd wife is Lao and there is no such thing as a pension in Laos. As an Australian citizen and now working back in Australia I am entitled to a pension when I retire.

I am a workaholic and enjoy what I do. When it becomes just a job I will think of retiring.

Here's a nice piece of philosophy I once read: If you find a job you love, you'll never work again.

On that basis, I have never worked since I was 18. Lucky me.

Going by what you said then I have never worked all my life.....

main reason was financial problem, like travelling, experiencing life abroad. :)

isn't it self explanatory?

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