Sport adict!

hi, i'm new to this forum but i have been living in oxford for 7 years and really like to play sports, I hope i can meet some of you soon and play


Hello lezka.

Welcome to! :)

What kind of sports do you usually play?

Thank you,

mainly football, but i also enjoy very much volleyball, table tennis, diving, snooker, tennis and i'm open to try others...

Hi Lezka,

I'm really glad to read your post!

Actually I am in the same case than you, I am new in Oxford, I love sports and I'm looking for someone to play with me!

Mainly football and tennis! How does it sound?



i'm subscribed on we organize casual sports there. football and tennis are probably the 2 most popular. There is a futsal match being organized for this saturday if you are interested, just register on the site, select your sports and look for the activity called "futsal" for this saturday and simply click "i'm in". They post other matches, there is weekly match on fridays which i usually attend, if you select football on your sports you get an email when a new activity is created, etc, let me know if you want to play on friday (football 7) and on saturday (futsal)

Cool!   I've just signed in!

I'm going back to France next weekend so I won't play on saturday, but i'll join the crew for the next games!

Thanks a lot Lezka!

so i guess also not available for friday?

Nop sorry, I'll take the train on Friday evening

alright, see you next week then.