How do you know that person is real?

do you ever feel, someone said how much he/she love you, but we do not know it's true or just trying to cheat us?how can we prove that??

Rene Descartes came up with a suggestion as to how we know we're real.
As for if love is real, Who knows? Men fib a lot.

Hmmm. maybe This question has no answer..

If he's a lousy liar, it's easy.
If he's like me, a great liar, harder.
I've told more girls I love them than I can remember.

Well, seems like someone got her heart broken so badly ! don't you worry you'll get over it eventually.

you will know when you meat the right person and he or she says 'I love you' :heart:

trust your instincts...what you would call "women's intuition"...observe him...see if his actions follow his words...if he loves you, he will take care of you in his deeds/thoughts etc. don't be afraid to let go if you're not convinced. people treat us the way we teach them to. good luck!

haggishunter wrote:

you will know when you meat the right person and he or she says 'I love you' :heart:

somebody said "i love you" but not do something,,its love??
this is just bullshit i think..

DoveOmeri wrote:
Nellin Jessvellin wrote:

Hmmm. maybe This question has no answer..

If you like,I'll tell you what I used to do to test the men who professed to love me. It never failed. Never,ever. :top:  They would show their true colors with my little test. :happy::D

What kind of test? maybe can inspiration to everyone ..

DoveOmeri wrote:
Nellin Jessvellin wrote:
DoveOmeri wrote:

If you like,I'll tell you what I used to do to test the men who professed to love me. It never failed. Never,ever. :top:  They would show their true colors with my little test. :happy::D

What kind of test? maybe can inspiration to everyone ..

Don't laugh before you hear it. Want to know if a guy REALLY is serious about you? Or if he just wants to 'exercise'? (wink,wink,nod,nod);)

ok...i am serious now..what test exactly?

DoveOmeri wrote:
Nellin Jessvellin wrote:
DoveOmeri wrote:

Don't laugh before you hear it. Want to know if a guy REALLY is serious about you? Or if he just wants to 'exercise'? (wink,wink,nod,nod);)

ok...i am serious now..what test exactly?

If a guy is REALLY ready to love you..make him WAIT before being intimate. I rid myself of A LOT of liars that way and found my GOOD man! We've been married almost 10 years now. Know this: Women equate sex with love. Men equate sex with 'exercise'. Just because a guy is intimate with you,does NOT mean he is ready to make you his wife or even "serious girlfriend"!

Angree :top:

I still say the right person will come along.
I waited 15 years to find mine, and i was not even looking.:D

The easy test to know if the guy / girl real love you:

Test for Online personals:

Step 1: Try to avoid his/her phone calls for 2 or 3 days at least.

Step 2: if you cyber together..stop that for a week or two (the longer time the much perfect result you get)

Step 3: stop being online "or at least appear to be offline"

Step 4: create a new mail account IM and add your partner trying to seduce him/her acting as if you are another person and for sure not using your own pic or data or name for that issue.

The Fact:
If he is really playing with you and you are not around for a while mostly 2 weeks time he/she would eat the bate and start enjoying him self with the fake person and start his play to catch the new fish.

Note: some experts cheaters get cunning and feel the trap so you can move to an additional Step but take care that this may really harm your relation if he was honest plus you should be available ..

The deadly step if you are away for about 3 weeks and he had stooped calling to check about you and didn't eat the bate of the fake mail but you still feel he cheat or playing with your emotions.. ask a friend of you to call his phone from a number he sure don't know and try to seduce him and talk in a naughty tone .. be sure to be near to hear the conversation by your own ears.. again i warn this step may hurt or ruin your relation if he was in real with you so never ever tell him that you was testing him by this way..

OK a time passes now and you feel it is OK and he didn't catch any bate and keep his tail clean and tight.. then just contact him back telling that an emergency thing had happen in work and you had to travel abroad and there wasn't any connection if your work don't give your such facility then tell that a relative was having some trouble and need you with you and also there wasn't any connections cause his locations was very remote away.

Of-course you can weight the offline IM messages, mails or sms you get from him which would be an also a good sign and indicator.

This test is applied upon your own responsibility and direct instruction may be required upon case by case issues :)

give each other a long day off like cool off, whoever comes 1st means he/she cannot live not to see each other but if one of you never felt misses the other one that means he/she has another one for a replacement. :)

Miro : The Artist wrote:

Step 1: Try to avoid his/her phone calls for 2 or 3 days at least.

Step 2: if you cyber together..stop that for a week or two (the longer time the much perfect result you get)

Step 3: stop being online "or at least appear to be offline"

Step 4: create a new mail account IM and add your partner trying to seduce him/her acting as if you are another person and for sure not using your own pic or data or name for that issue.

Playing games is a horrible way to find out if someone is playing games.  It also makes you as guilty as you think he is.

ange25oracle wrote:

[Moderated: Off topic]

:offtopic::dumbom: dude can you just PM her.......

AustralianCypriot wrote:

Let me give you some advise what you give out comes back to you!!

So if you play games someone else will play games with you!!

What goes around comes around!!.. Sometimes you need to kiss a few frogs before you find your prince.... And certain people come into our lives so we can learn, if we don't learn the right person wont come along...

Grow up and stop playing games !!!

I agree.

Nellin Jessvellin wrote:

do you ever feel, someone said how much he/she love you, but we do not know it's true or just trying to cheat us?how can we prove that??

You can't. You have to take a chance. That's why life's exciting.

if the person is real, he will show that he/she is real.. by action and not only by words.

two options:

stay and wait if he/she loves you truly,but until when, we dont know.

or let go and move on. if he will pursue you, that's a good chance.
if he wont, then you are closer to 'the one'.

sometimes love is simple, it will be logical and clear.

if they dont do anything, then for sure they dont want to do anything.even if their words are sweet.

cliche as it is, action speaks louder than words, and it is often true.

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