Londoner looking for any job over the summer, Perfect english.

Hi, I am looking for any job over the summer 2012 either in Lund or Malmö.

I am from London and have lots of experience working in busy environments.

I am living here with my girlfriend.

Also if anyone has some tips on how to learn swedish fast, let me know, that would be a great help.

SFI is the fastest and most recognised route to learn Swedish, it is also something you may have to complete before you are considered for work in these parts :-/

Yes, I sent in my application yesterday to SFI, they are offering to pay me money to learn, is it ok if I accept that money? As that money would be helpful...

You are right, I have handed my CV into many places and the first thing they ask is if I speak Swedish... I'm assuming they would rather give the job to someone with good Swedish.
