Accommodation in Riyadh for expat

Moving to Riyadh end of Sept 09.
My offices are nr the MOFA ( Ministry of Foreign Affairs)in south Riyadh.
Looking for singles friendly community style accomm. / possibly 1 or 2 bed apartment close to this area.Ideally with gym & pool.Any ideas ?

There are many western expat style compounds in this area that offer both famil and single accomodation. I do not have hge names and contact numbers right now but will try and get them and post it in here during the course of the day. In any bcase commuting in Riyadh is no big deal You can easily travel 50 Km in 15 minutes during non peak times. I live in the North on Exit 7 and my ofice is in the South West, about 25 Km away and it takes me about 10-15 minutes up and down every day.

I figure there must be traffic snarl ups at peak times as its a big place with 5 million souls .
In any case my employer says they will find me an apartment near the office ; it will not be in a compound , which i am  a bit concerned about as the compound living sounds like it provides social benefits as well as security.But I can only wait till I am out there now and see what they come up with.
I am concerned about feeling isolated.

Its better you choose accomodation within a compound rather than in an isolated apartment outside on some dingy street corner.

Theres lots of things to do once you get here. Dont worry you can join me for a cuppa coffee whenever you feel like it.

Take care

Thanks ,  you sound like a friendly chap.One or 2 questions....
What internet services are available there?  I presume there is a choice between phone line broadband and mobile internet. I want to look into this before I get out to Riyadh maybe even setting something up in advance.Cheers.

Hi All
How much are compounds charging for 1 bed apartments currently?

I appreciate there is probably quite a range.

single accomodation within Compounds in condo type accomodation may cost SR 40K-50K upwards per annum.