Cedula de Identidad

I grew up in PY cause my parents were Missionaries there for twenty years. The US Air Force(back in 2002) destroyed the valid PY Cedula I had when I was in the process of completing my Top Secret clearance. I do still have a cedula from 82. They asked me whos side I would take if the US went to war with PY. That was a hard question to answer.

Well to cut this short. I am considering moving back to PY and I was told that I can simply pay $15 to have a new cedula made since I have a cedula number already.
Is this true?

Thank you!


Not sure about that $15 but yes, you simply go and ask for a new one. If you're not a Paraguayan citizen then its gonna mean for you to run a little bit around but its possible in 2 days, 1 with a lot of luck. 

*You will need a "Vida y Risedencia" which you get at your local police station.Takes 24 hours. Knowing a policeman could help a lot, meaning you pay for his beer of that night and get the thing in 1\2hour.

*Then its INTERPOL time, G50.000 gonna cost.Even has a board on the wall saying so but don't dare ask for a recite!

*Then to the national registry (which is now close to the bus terminal) for a stamp.

*Then National Police close to all the parliament buildings also for a stamp. (This one is free of charge.) 

*And then its finally off to Identificaciones. Office for foreigners is now on the 3'd floor.Just ask around.

And all thats if they haven't changed anything again, which they so-o-o love to do.Good luck.

Wow that was quick! Gracias chera'a!! This move depends on how bad it gets here in 2012.
Thanks again!

My family haven't lived in PY since 1999 so i'll need to provide a address to get a new cedula right? What else will I need to provide?
Oh and Happy New Year (Lord willing)