Looking for kashmiri brahmins

hi..any kashmiri brahmins in Nairobi..would like to meet up with them.thanks

Hi and welcome on board Mayuriw!

Maybe an introduction could help ;)


@MayuriW- Wow, Thats like searching for a needle in hay! If you come across any, lemme know! I haven't come across any Kashiri yet..

thanks socialiser...actually iam a maharashtrian married to a kashmiri brahmin..it was just a hunch to seek out if any kasmiris are there in nairobi..and wanted my daughter to learn some traditions..

i did know of a couple who were kashmiris  can see if they still around - otherwise ul find lots of gujaratis, sikhs, sindhis, maharastrans, hindu punjabis and the like in nearly every corner on nairobi

PM me ur number. I have a friend Kashmiri Hindu, not sure if they are brahmins.. will pass ur no. to her !