India Visa Help..

Hello all,

I live in the U.S. Do any of you have any connections, or know of anyone who has connections to get an Indian visa quickly? If yes, please please please reply. I already bought my non-refundable ticket and I'm having a hard time getting the visa to go and visit because the actual process takes forever....

Thanks so much and looking forward to your replies.

Cheers. :-)

For how long are u coming??? Tourist visa will not take u more than 1-2 weeks!!!!

Hey there,

Thanks for your reply. A simple tourist visa is pretty easy to get. However...

Here's the problem...The Indian government has made a new rule (since maybe a year or two) that even if you have a U.S passport, you must apply on your previous Pakistani passport if you were born in Pakistan, or get your Pakistani passport denounced and surrender the dual citizenship. Only then can you apply on the U.S passport. Which is so insane because my Pakistani passport expired years ago and I never use my dual citizenship. I would totally get it (the dual citizenship) denounced except that the process takes forever (about 3-4 months) and I have my non-refundable ticket for November already and I must see my sick grandmother before anything happens to her...

Do you have contacts or connections at the consulate?

Thanks a lot..