Need Luma help


Two months ago, I bought a HUD home in Humacao and still don't have electricity. The problem is Luma (isn't it always), but I'm not sure what to do. My electrician said they need a letter from Luma to give to Humacao Public Works so he can dig up and replace the bad wires. Luma told him he would have it on Monday, but they vanished. Before that it was other Luma issues.

Would a gestor be able to get it moving faster? If so, does anyone know a good one in Humacao?

Thank you

I have a long-time colleague who might be able to help, He lives in the Río Grande area, but does much of his work around Humacao

@fincanuevacreacion  I have one that I work with on another service but I'm trying to find out from her if she knows anyone in your local area. If she responds I'll let you know.

@judyvillacis thank you. I'm following your building permit post, too.


Thank you!

You are welcome