Looking for a lawyer in Saranda Albania

As the title says, I'm currently looking for a lawyer or a law firm in Saranda, unfortunately I contacted a few firms but never got an answer and it's kind of an emergency.

To explain my problem better, i need a lawyer to discuss my immigration process and more specifically my lease contract, I cannot go to Albania to sign it and i need it for my visa. I was told that hiring a lawyer in this case would be best. Please message me if you're a lawyer with your hourly rate and let's discuss this! thank you so much!


Lawyer could be anywhere else in Albania.  All Albanian lawyers know Albanian laws.

@noordabbabi im not a layer but u can contact me , i ll try to help u as much as i can

    @noordabbabi im not a layer but u can contact me , i ll try to help u as much as i can

    -@Kimete Limani

If you have information, please post it here so that others may benefit from it.


can you help me for invitation to visit albania

@Kimete Limani

Please can you help me with a visit or tourist visa?