B card processing time

Hello, has anyone applied for a B card in Ghent recently? If so, can you please share the processing time for it? Contemplating getting a B card if the processing time is faster than the 5 months for a L card. Thanks!

I would assume processing time is the same for both. If you plan to apply nationality as soon as you get permanent-residency, then it is not important which card you apply (B or D/L).

Thanks Aneesh for the response! I did check with the migration office on the two cards.

The only caveat is that the B card has no processing time limit; they currently take upto a month but it could take longer. With the L card, the maximum processing time is 5 months, after which they are obliged to grant it to you.

One month is nothing compared to 5 months. So for moving forward with nationality, B makes more sense.

Hello @noblefish, Did you explicitly apply for the B-card?

My Commune told me that I cannot apply for B card myself and that I will get an invitation for it if the ministry deems it fit.

L card application is denied incase you are not a continuous social security payer/local contract for 5 years or in other words if some period you worked as an expat that period is not considered in 5yr,

is the same condition applicable for card B as well ??

@eveme111 :

Many of my friends did not pay social security for 2/3 years out of 5 years. They paid social security for last 2 years and received PR as well as Belgium nationality.

@Jimsen indeed, many of mine too, some also got who are still expat and not paid social sec a single day!! Seems its just a matter of luck, the exact pattern is not clear.

thats why asking is the same condition applicable to card B, if anyone has any concrete knowledge about this.

@vinaysem Yes, i did apply for it. When I visited the migration info point in Ghent, I was told that I can choose between a B and L card.

@Aneesh hi sir. I have a quiry. I received my wp 1st October and then my employer applied my single permit but it's not comes yet and no response till now

@vinaysem Yes, i did apply for it. When I visited the migration info point in Ghent, I was told that I can choose between a B and L card.

how much processing time they told you for it?