Everyday life in Thailand

Eager to discover what life in Thailand looks like? Here's a taste.

Dating in Thailand

Thailand is one of the top destinations in the world when it comes to travel. But not only that. In recent years, the country has ...

Moving with children to Thailand

From nurseries, daycare centres and playgroups, to au pairs and private babysitters, you can rest assured that there are a ...

Becoming a monk in Thailand

The Wai

That is the graceful greeting gesture of the Thais, appropriate also to express one's thanks. The wai is implemented by ...

Buddha and Ghosts

Every Farang who has spent a fair amount of time with Thai people, has already wondered about the coexistence of Buddha ...

The Environment - Thailand

Thailand: the Land Smile

Every visitor to Thailand has already read somewhere, that Thailand is the land of ...

From large and small animals in Thailand

Elephants are still the national symbol of Thailand, although they have disappeared to day from the national ensign. We know from ...

The City of Angels

Anybody who for the first time tries to discover Bangkok on his own will at a certain moment arrive at a point, when he will be ...

Tea in Thailand: what it is, how to find it

I write a blog about tea so I'm often thinking about the subject, and writing about it. An upcoming trip to Japan and Korea ...

Finding Maternity Wear in Bangkok

I am not actually pregnant but my best friend here in Bangkok is and she was recently complaining (yet again!) about how ...

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