Education - Expat Magazine

Top destinations for English-speaking expats
Top destinations for English-speaking expats
Learning a new language is often part of the challenge for expats seeking to move overseas. If you're feeling apprehensive about how to adapt, engage in conversations comfortably, and deal with all the paperwork, why not consider moving to a country where English is widely spoken? gives you an insight into the best destinations for English-speaking expats.
The importance of e-learning: An interview with an expert
The importance of e-learning: An interview with an expert
In a fast-evolving job market, where new sectors are emerging every few years, employers need to consider how they will upgrade the skills of their staff, so that they can respond to the new demands. Employees, on the other hand, must find ways to keep up with the changes in the workplace. Investing in e-learning comes with many benefits for both sides — fewer hours and costs of training new staff, and more engaged and responsible employees. Stephen Somerville, Director of Business Development at FutureLearn, talks to about the importance of e-learning for businesses and employees, and the current trends in e-learning.
4 ways you can change your life with e-learning
4 ways you can change your life with e-learning
E-learning opens endless opportunities to adults for personal and professional growth, in a way that doesn't demand exclusive organisational measures from the learner's side. With a mobile device connected to the internet, you can enrich your knowledge in a chosen field at any time that's convenient for you and from any place (we suspect that as an expat you will particularly appreciate the flexibility). But what are the fields that you can explore with e-learning? is introducing four sectors, which you can further delve into with e-learning.
How e-learning can improve your business
How e-learning can improve your business
From providing greater flexibility to boosting employees' productivity and motivation, e-learning has proved to be beneficial to businesses in various ways. If you're looking to make your business more efficient, and attract and retain the best talents, gives you some good reasons to implement a business e-learning strategy.
Top 10 countries to teach English
Top 10 countries to teach English
At some point in our lives, many of us seek some adventure and cultural enlightenment. Maybe you have always dreamed of living in another country and having new experiences. Assuming that you aren't a day trader nor bought bit coins back in 2007, you are going to need to support yourself while living abroad. One of the most popular options is to teach English.
5 reasons to study abroad
5 reasons to study abroad
Have you just completed high-school and you are looking into starting your first degree? Or have you decided you want to further progress with your studies, and enrol into a Master's or a PhD? Studying abroad is a very enriching experience despite the challenges you might face. Being away from familiar grounds, rewards you with a ton of benefits, which will have a positive impact on your personal and professional growth. Here are five reasons why studying abroad might be the best decision you ever made!
Who are the masters of English?
Who are the masters of English?
Getting by with your native language is possible, but if you want to obtain a first-class education, thrive in business, or international relations, or simply expand your horizons, English language is your best bet. English serves the world's need to connect and exchange information in a universal language, which is one of globalisation's and international mobility's most important tools. Thus, EF has measured and created a quality index of the English proficiency of adults from 80 countries where English isn't the native language, and looks into the results.
6 tips for finding your home abroad
6 tips for finding your home abroad
You wish to make a home away from home, but what you should consider when choosing your house abroad? Many criteria such as the city's or town's cost of living, quality of housing, rent prices, neighbourhoods, etc. have to be taken into account – whether you're moving alone or with your family. Here are some useful tips to help you make the right housing choice.
8 things to consider before choosing your expat destination
8 things to consider before choosing your expat destination
Only a few people can just pack up and set up shop wherever they choose, without much consideration. Should you choose the country or the city? Are you looking to live luxuriously or on a budget? We look at some of the most important things to consider before you choose your next destination.
The world's top 5 student cities
The world's top 5 student cities
Spending a year or more abroad as part of your studies is sure to be a major asset in shaping your career, but where should you go for the best experience? Which cities are best for international students in terms of quality of education, social life and affordability? gives you an insight into the world's best student cities according to the QS Top Universities ranking.
Tips for learning a new language abroad
Tips for learning a new language abroad
Some of the most well-prepared expats may begin the process of learning the language of their destination well in advance of leaving for their new life abroad, but, for the rest of us, it can be hard to find the time while preparing for a big move. If you are not already fluent or knowledgeable of the language spoken in the host country you have moved to, there are many things you can do to help you pick it up as quickly as possible.
How to help your child thrive in their school abroad
How to help your child thrive in their school abroad
When you started your expatriation project, no one said it would be easy (but you knew it would be rewarding) — and when the rest of the family is joining in, there are more things to consider and take care of. While there are many childcare and schooling options abroad for all levels and curriculums, the adjustment period of your children first, in a foreign country, and second, in a new school might be challenging. has put together some pieces of advice for the parents who are about to begin their expat adventurous with children at school age.
A step away from Hollywood: Film student in Los Angeles
A step away from Hollywood: Film student in Los Angeles
Lisa originally comes from Charente Maritime, France. In her quest for new horizons, she moved to New Zealand where she spent six months before moving back to France. A few months later, she decided to move to the USA for her studies and better career prospects. Passionate about cinematography, she is now living her dream in Los Angeles and shares her enthusiasm with
8 things you didn't know about Germany
8 things you didn't know about Germany
Thinking about moving to Germany? You have probably started your research about the country already — the climate, the job market, the formalities, and the leisure activities. But here's some fascinating information about Germany that you may have missed (and will boost your decision making).
The most popular expat destinations
The most popular expat destinations
Where is everyone moving to, and why? Anyone thinking of moving abroad will, of course, have their own reasons for moving – according to MoveHub's report on global moving trends, 30% of respondents think that cost of living is the most important thing to consider before moving, with 50% claiming they moved for better employment opportunities. We look at the most popular destinations to move to.
Europe's most dynamic cities
Europe's most dynamic cities
Europe is full of cities on the move, be it improving infrastructure, to heightening inspiration. Savills Investment Management's measure of the most dynamic cities in Europe highlights the cities with the best prospects for commercial investment, though it is a good indicator of a city's development for anyone hoping to move there. London topped nearly all five of the metrics used by Savills to take the overall top spot, and the UK as a whole features strongly across the different categories.
My homeschooling journey from Guinea-Bissau to Barbados
My homeschooling journey from Guinea-Bissau to Barbados
Homeschooling is not for everyone. However, when you are faced with few options, this might be your best alternative. Such was my experience living in Guinea-Bissau from 2003-2006. When I first learned of my husband's posting to the West African nation, I was very apprehensive about going with him, along with our two young children, then aged four and six. But it was an important career move that couldn't be passed up.
The lives and travels of young expat bloggers
The lives and travels of young expat bloggers
More and more young people are looking overseas for their next new adventure, be it the next step in their education or in order to further their career. Though long stints of travelling have been popular for a while, young adults are increasinly looking to make a long-term move abroad. This breed of young expat is often a keen traveller (often using their new home as a base for visiting the region) with a desire to discover the nuances of their new culture. Here are our top five blogs from young expats.