Education - Expat Magazine

Many nations, one home: Pierre-Jean's vision of the European Union
Many nations, one home: Pierre-Jean's vision of the European Union
The European Union is shaky — Brexit, eurosceptics, rise of extreme nationalism. But Europe can do better than that, and young European people like Pierre-Jean see in the continent not mere countries but their home. Europe has opened the horizons of its young generation, as it has facilitated travelling from one member country to another. hosts a vivid representative of Europe's bright future, who talks about his vision of the Union from the perspective of a well-travelled and curious mind. A Law student at the Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, Pierre-Jean has been living and studying in Barcelona, Spain for the past two years. We met him under the catalan sun, and asked him to share his observations on the European Union. He calls for integration, mobility, and job opportunities in Europe -- let's find out why.
Many nations, one home: Alice's vision of the European Union
Many nations, one home: Alice's vision of the European Union
The European Union is shaky — Brexit, eurosceptics, rise of extreme nationalism. But Europe can do better than that, and young European people like Alice see in the continent not mere countries but their home. Europe has opened the horizons of its young generation, as it has facilitated travelling from one member country to another. hosts a vivid representative of Europe's bright future, who talks about her vision of the Union from the perspective of a well-travelled and curious mind. In 2011, Alice left her home in Italy to settle in Lyon, France, where she currently studies at the Institute of Political Studies. In perfect French, she shares her thoughts on living abroad, her personal growth, and the future of the European Union.
Many nations, one home: Rémi's vision of the European Union
Many nations, one home: Rémi's vision of the European Union
The European Union is shaky — Brexit, eurosceptics, rise of extreme nationalism. But Europe can do better than that, and young European people like Rémi see in the continent not mere countries but their home. Europe has opened the horizons of its young generation, as it has facilitated travelling from one member country to another. hosts a vivid representative of Europe's bright future, who talks about his vision of the Union from the perspective of a well-travelled and curious mind. Rémi, a 20-year-old management student is currently completing a six-month internship in Munich. But his European adventure started well before, when he spent almost a year in Germany with the Sauzay and Voltaire programmes endorsed by the Franco German Youth Office. He talks about his life abroad, the benefits, challenges, and his vision of the European Union.
Many nations, one home: François' vision of the European Union
Many nations, one home: François' vision of the European Union
The European Union is shaky — Brexit, eurosceptics, rise of extreme nationalism. But Europe can do better than that, and young European people like François see in the continent not mere countries but their home. Europe has opened the horizons of its young generation, as it has facilitated travelling from one member country to another. hosts a vivid representative of Europe's bright future, who talks about his vision of the Union from the perspective of a well-travelled and curious mind. A French law student, François took a year abroad to complete a Master's degree in Cambridge, UK. In this video, he talks about how this one year in England has benefited him, and how it has formed his view on the European Union's future.
Many nations, one home: Lucile's vision of the European Union
Many nations, one home: Lucile's vision of the European Union
The European Union is shaky — Brexit, eurosceptics, rise of extreme nationalism. But Europe can do better than that, and young European people like Lucile see in the continent not mere countries but their home. Europe has opened the horizons of its young generation, as it has facilitated travelling from one member country to another. hosts a vivid representative of Europe's bright future, who talks about her vision of the Union from the perspective of a well-travelled and curious mind.
Distance learning: The world is your classroom
Distance learning: The world is your classroom
Living abroad can be a great adventure — especially when you are young. Moving to a foreign country comes with many challenges and rewards — an original lifestyle, new friends, unique culture, and new habits. It's also an excellent excuse for you to discover the contemporary way of learning (aka distance learning), and prepare from wherever with access to the Internet for your future job in who-knows-where. Find out more about distance learning from Aurelien, a French expat and digital student in Australia.
International education: Where are the top performing students?
International education: Where are the top performing students?
When relocating with children, the education system in the destination country is something you don't take lightly as a parent. Governments repeatedly make education reforms a priority, but there's nothing like ideal education system — yet. Singapore's students have just been announced the highest-performing in international maths and science tests, while Finland has for four decades been the paradigm of successful education. Your expat children will have to adapt to an education environment that is unique to the country, but don't underestimate the role of cultural and family values.
Employment trends and expat millennials: Time to pack up  
Employment trends and expat millennials: Time to pack up  
It was only a generation ago that a successful living was very much defined by a stable job in a well-established company or the public sector. But millennials — backed by the advanced telecommunications industry — take on part-time and freelance jobs, work remotely, and aspire to become entrepreneurs. This shift in employment trends stemming from millennials' traits — open-minded, risk takers, and passionate administrators of their own lives — revolutionises the motives for expatriation and traveling.
How to move abroad when you are young, wild and free
How to move abroad when you are young, wild and free
Moving abroad when you are young can be the best present you have ever given yourself. Youth — as your parents usually say — is all about first-hand experience, learning about the world, meeting new people, exchanging passions and ideas, and defining your career aspirations. Every year, thousands of students, graduates, and first-time employees choose to move abroad to satisfy their curiosity, and to build their personal brand.
Going to highschool in Africa: A young Costa Rican blogger in Kenya
Going to highschool in Africa: A young Costa Rican blogger in Kenya
We have always given the floor to adults, but never to teenagers. She is in high school, she can't buy alcohol or cigarettes and yet, Adri, 17, has already lived abroad over some years, and seen more countries than many adults. In January 2016, she moved with her parents to Kenya, and discovered Africa for the first time. She shares with her thoughts about being an expat and a teenager in Kenya.
Testimony of an American expat and active mom of four in Mexico
Testimony of an American expat and active mom of four in Mexico
Tina arrived in Mexico with her husband and her four children to experience the slower pace of life in the country. She shared with her feelings about life in Mexico, as an American mother of four children.
Homeschooling: The power of your children's education in your hands
Homeschooling: The power of your children's education in your hands
Homeschooling is a viable education option for expatriates and their children, who either don't have access to international schools, cannot afford the fees of private schools, don't applaud public institutions, or are merely supporters of this ambiguous teaching and learning method. Expatriation with children adds on your to do list an extra duty — to arrange schooling for them — that depending on the destination country, can be easier or harder to accomplish. Here we present homeschooling, but it's for your family to decide what's the best way to the children's education.  
Discover street art in Buenos Aires
Discover street art in Buenos Aires
Argentina is a Latin American country where European culture is notably evident, blending with the country's breathtaking landscapes and variable climate. Being the financial and cultural heart of the country, Buenos Aires caters for a pleasant lifestyle to expatriates. It's been a few years since Buenos Aires has also become the capital of street art.
Tim in Munich:
Tim in Munich: "Bavaria has a better climate and a breathtaking scenery"
Tim comes from Bath, England. Following a job offer in 1998, he moved to Bavaria where he works as a teacher, trainer and translator. In this Interview, he shares his views about life in Germany.
Kate in Zurich:
Kate in Zurich: "The quality of life here is so wonderful and the pace of life is quiet and slow"
Kate comes from Washington. She fell in love with Switzerland 10 years ago during a train ride. Following a two years stay in London, she finally moved to Zurich in 2014 with her husband and two daughters. In this Interview, she shares her views about life in Switzerland.
The latest global trends in study abroad
The latest global trends in study abroad
Every year, millions of secondary school graduates pack their bags for an international participation in tertiary education. According to UNESCO's Institute for Statistics' last observations, over 4 million students attend university outside their country of origin every year. Study abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, which comes along with cutting-edge curriculums, compelling international network and loads of glows and grows. Discover the top destination countries for higher education, and help your child build a shimmering future. 
Raising children abroad: the most welcoming countries in 2016
Raising children abroad: the most welcoming countries in 2016
Children's education and well-being is often one of the main concerns of expatriates choosing to move abroad with their family. Discover the most welcoming countries for expat families in 2016.
Singapore: best place to live and work for expats
Singapore: best place to live and work for expats
Once again, Singapore proves to be a top destination for expats as revealed in the latest HSBC Expat report published this Wednesday, September 21, 2016.