Education - Expat Magazine

Grants for students with disabilities: Making international mobility possible
Grants for students with disabilities: Making international mobility possible
Studying abroad with a disability is possible, although the path can be more complicated. Many solutions exist to help students with disabilities make their dreams a reality. Here's an overview of international mobility programs and some practical advice.
Why consult overseas education counselors before studying abroad?
Why consult overseas education counselors before studying abroad?
Studying abroad can be an incredible opportunity to learn, not only academically but also via experience. But this journey can be quite overwhelming. This is where overseas education counselors come in. They can help you manage student loans, find accommodation close to your university, purchase health insurance, and much more.
Brexit's impact: Why EU students are choosing new study destinations
Brexit's impact: Why EU students are choosing new study destinations
Since the end of the Brexit transition period in December 2020, students from the European Union are longer eligible for domestic tuition and tuition loans in the UK. Instead of a maximum of £9,250 per year for an undergraduate degree, EU students must now pay £15,000- £70,000 per year. Unsurprisingly, this has led to a sharp decline in the number of European students enrolling in British universities. These students now prefer to go to Germany, the Netherlands, France, Ireland, Spain, the Netherlands and Canada, where tuition fees are more affordable.
Reduced school grants in France: A strain on international students and French expats
Reduced school grants in France: A strain on international students and French expats
The new school year in France starts on a harsh note. A cut in school grants has been announced. This is likely to be a headache not only for international students but also for French families living abroad. Beyond the rising student cost of living, this measure sounds like a long-lasting crisis.
International student mobility: Trends and popular destinations
International student mobility: Trends and popular destinations
Despite the impact of the Covid pandemic, student mobility is back on track. In fact, it's on the rise, reshuffling the deck regarding favorite destinations for international students. Last June, Campus France published its study on global student mobility. Here's a closer look at the most popular countries with international students. Where are international students coming from? What regions of the world are the most mobile?
How to join the world's most prestigious universities and stay in a favorite student city
How to join the world's most prestigious universities and stay in a favorite student city
Studying abroad is a dream for many, a reality for many international students. Countries are stepping up their initiatives to lure the best profiles. Some, like Japan, are creating new visas intended for students from the world's best universities. Meanwhile, students opt for the most welcoming, accessible and global-minded cities. What are the benefits of these student cities for international students? How can you join one of the world's most prestigious universities?
Montgomery International School: Nurturing IB Excellence in Brussels
Ecole Internationale Montgomery
Montgomery International School: Nurturing IB Excellence in Brussels
Montgomery International School is an accredited IB (International Baccalaureate) school offering programs from primary education through the IB diploma. Located in the heart of Brussels, it is easily accessible from all the European institutions.
Countries introduce new strategies to attract international students
Countries introduce new strategies to attract international students
During the 75th Conference of the Association of International Educators (NAFSA), which took place between May 30 and June 2, education policymakers gathered in Washington to share their plans to attract more international students. The conference's themes were centered around inspiration and inclusion. Countries have recognized the importance of investing in welcoming and training international students to retain talent. So, which countries are currently the most attractive to international students?
Study abroad in English: Top countries with English-taught university programs
Study abroad in English: Top countries with English-taught university programs
When choosing a study abroad destination, the language in which university courses are taught is a major consideration. It can be the only barrier to admission if you're not proficient enough in it. While Chinese and Spanish are the languages with the most native speakers, English remains the most common second language worldwide. 
Studying abroad in 2023: Aspirations, challenges, and changing trends 
Studying abroad in 2023: Aspirations, challenges, and changing trends 
Studying abroad is a dream for many students as it provides a great opportunity to enrich their resumes, prepare for future careers, and explore new countries. How has preparing to study abroad changed in 2023? Keystone Education Group's study sheds light on their aspirations amidst a turbulent global context. The study addresses important questions such as financing study abroad, selecting university programs, and finding motivation to pursue studies overseas. Here's an insight into how students are approaching these aspects.
Study abroad scholarships: How to get started?
Study abroad scholarships: How to get started?
Going abroad to study is not limited to young students. Various training programs and scholarships are also available for apprentices, job seekers, interns, high school students, and even young entrepreneurs. However, navigating through the numerous types of scholarships can be overwhelming. Which organization should you approach? What are the important factors to consider, and the risks?
Why studying abroad comes with a high price
Why studying abroad comes with a high price
Affordability is the foremost barrier to getting a degree overseas. Indeed, in its recent survey, ICEF Agent Voice found that 75% of international students see it as their main worry. Unless you are studying in a country with no or low tuition fees, like Germany or Argentina, tuition is going to occupy half to three-quarters of your expenses. Non-tuition-related costs that make studying abroad look unattainable are accommodation, airfare, student visas, language tests, and study materials.
From Botswana to Mauritius: An expat's reflections on the challenges faced by international students
From Botswana to Mauritius: An expat's reflections on the challenges faced by international students
Bokamoso is a young international student from Botswana. She moved to Mauritius in June 2022 after being awarded the prestigious Mauritius-Africa Scholarship Scheme. While she recognizes that adapting to a new country takes a lot of effort, Bokamoso agrees that Mauritius has a lot to offer, from its beauty and diversity to the quality of its higher education system. She shared her view with us in this Interview.
Factors beyond the university that matter for international students
Factors beyond the university that matter for international students
University reputation, entry requirements, course content and tuition fees are major factors international students consider when deciding to study abroad. However, as a new study of the UK-based INTO University Partnerships shows, the economic climate in the country, post-study employment opportunities, the accessibility of housing, the ease of the visa application process and safety are also key concerns of prospective international students.
USA: Flexibility for online studies ends for international students
USA: Flexibility for online studies ends for international students
Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, public attention has shifted as life gradually returns to normal. International students, previously allowed to pursue remote studies during the health crisis, are now transitioning. The United States and other countries have recently revoked Covid-related provisions, requiring international students to attend universities physically. What are the implications of this change for international students?
How to choose the ideal ERASMUS destination
How to choose the ideal ERASMUS destination
Are you looking to study abroad? Choosing the right destination is paramount. The ERASMUS program presents remarkable possibilities  — it goes beyond academic development; it represents a transformative journey that enables you to forge connections with diverse individuals and broaden your worldview. Whether it's immersing yourself in new cultures, mastering foreign languages, or discovering exciting career prospects, embracing the ERASMUS program as part of your university experience can be immensely advantageous. In this article, we will delve into the numerous benefits of embarking on an ERASMUS adventure.
What are the risks of unethical use of AI for international students
What are the risks of unethical use of AI for international students
Since its release in late 2022, the artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot ChatGPT has generated a lot of controversy in academia. It has blurred the line between original research and plagiarism in a way universities are still grappling with. Many universities have explicitly banned ChatGPT in their plagiarism policies, but others remain ambivalent about its use. In addition, there is another layer of danger for international students – if accused of plagiarism, they can lose their student visa and the right to remain in the country.
What are the biggest challenges for international students?
What are the biggest challenges for international students?
International students' mobility has been on the rise since the reopening of borders following the Covid-19 pandemic. China, one of the last countries to resume the delivery of all types of visas, is looking to enhance its image among international students. The benefits of studying abroad are many, such as discovering a new country and new cultures, learning a new language, acquiring new skills, making new friends, etc. But behind all those pluses lie many hardships that we cannot ignore. Work, accommodation and socialization are some of the challenges faced by international students.