Lifestyle - Expat Magazine

Kris Lutchmayah: From the UK to Mauritius to reconnect with his roots
Kris Lutchmayah: From the UK to Mauritius to reconnect with his roots
Originally from Birmingham, in the UK, but with Mauritian roots, Kris Lutchmayah settled in Mauritius 10 years ago. A one-of-a-kind expat, he juggles a busy career as a property management specialist, digital marketer, actor and model, and a vibrant social life that includes exploring the island and promoting its beauty and richness via his social media channels. In this Interview, Kris Lutchmayah, or Just Kris for social media enthusiasts, talks to us about his daily routine, vegan lifestyle, and his long-term plans.
Adaptation: The key to enjoying your expat life in Canada
Adaptation: The key to enjoying your expat life in Canada
Elisabeth moved to Quebec, Canada, in the fall of 2021, with her partner and their two cats. The young French expat tells us what motivated her to leave everything behind and embark on a new adventure abroad. However, she warns that the reality may not be what you expected. Here are her tips for anyone looking to settle in this beautiful Canadian province.
How to thrive in a long-distance relationship as an expat?
How to thrive in a long-distance relationship as an expat?
The saying "out of sight, out of mind" couldn't be more wrong when it comes to long-distance relationships. These can be a constant challenge, even when your partner is just a few hours away. But when one of you lives abroad, the challenge becomes even more significant. It's an actual test of your love and commitment. So, how do you navigate the ups and downs of a long-distance relationship when you're living in different countries? How to make it work? In this article, we'll explore some tips and tricks to help you maintain a strong and healthy relationship, no matter the distance.
Making Europe your new home: The pros and cons for European citizens
Making Europe your new home: The pros and cons for European citizens
Setting off on an international adventure usually brings thoughts of faraway lands and fascinating cultures to mind. However, the experience of moving to a distant corner of the world differs from relocating to a neighboring country, especially in Europe. Since the early days of the European Union, member states have worked diligently to simplify immigration within Europe. What are the benefits of moving to another European country as a European citizen? And what are the potential challenges?
New tax raise makes things harder for Russians living and working abroad
New tax raise makes things harder for Russians living and working abroad
The Russian government recently took a significant step by introducing a bill in the parliament aimed at raising taxes for Russian citizens working abroad. The draft law, submitted to the State Duma, the lower house of Russia's parliament, proposes a notable tax rate increase for individuals outside Russia and subsequently losing their taxpayer status in the country.    
From Argentina to Barcelona: A freelancer's adventure
From Argentina to Barcelona: A freelancer's adventure
Born in Argentina, Vanessa has always been passionate about her Italian roots. This led her to Rome in 2015, the same year when she met the love of her life. In 2021, she decided to follow him to Barcelona, where they now enjoy a fulfilling expat life. Being a freelance translator, Vanessa shares her story of why she chose to move to Europe and all that comes with it.
Must-know languages for working abroad in 2023
Must-know languages for working abroad in 2023
Language barriers can be a concern when embarking on an expatriation project or considering a potential stay abroad. Which languages should you focus on when moving abroad, especially if you are going to work? Of course, learning the host country's language is always advisable, but how can you prepare if you are not sure about the host country? Are some languages more influential than others? Should you prioritize specific languages?
Expats, be careful what you share on social media!
Expats, be careful what you share on social media!
Moving abroad comes with a lot of surprises, good or bad, and sometimes unique discoveries when coming from a different culture than that of the host country. This leads many foreigners to film or photograph certain situations or places in their daily lives because "it's funny", and share it on social media. Unfortunately, this is sometimes a very (very) bad idea that can lead to a hefty fine. In this article, we look at the things an expat should avoid posting on social media.
The Coronation of King Charles III through the lens of expats in London
The Coronation of King Charles III through the lens of expats in London
The Coronation of the new King of England, Charles III, took place over three days and was celebrated throughout the United Kingdom. The festivities began with a ceremony in Westminster Abbey, which was broadcast worldwide on the internet and television, attracting an estimated 14 million viewers, according to the BBC. Every aspect of the event was meticulously planned to leave no stone unturned. How did expats in London experience the event? Some of them shared their thoughts with us.
Adopting the right dress code when living abroad
Adopting the right dress code when living abroad
Should you wear suits, jackets and ties, wide-legged jeans, slim-legged jeans, trousers, skirts, and dresses, with or without a plunging neckline, with or without printed patterns, with bright or more neutral colors? The matter of dressing in a foreign country is more important than one would have thought. The host country has its own culture and dress codes, which expats need to follow. How to dress outdoors or for work? Let's discover the appropriate dressing habits for expats to avoid any fashion faux pas.
Challenges and consequences for LGBT rights around the world in 2023
Challenges and consequences for LGBT rights around the world in 2023
In 2023, the rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) persons can no longer be ignored by institutions. Sadly though, many countries still challenge their very existence, questioning their preferences and not respecting their well-being or even their life. In certain places, you can pay a hefty price for just being who you are, a price with fatal consequences in some cases.
Demographic crisis: Immigration could be a short-term solution
Demographic crisis: Immigration could be a short-term solution
This crisis has been lurking for years, but it is rarely discussed. Overshadowed by unemployment, growth, or inflation rates, the demographic crisis is a growing threat to world economies. This is particularly true in the European Union, Australia, Canada, Japan, or South Korea. More than ever, active young populations are needed in order to sustain growth, be it today or tomorrow. In this context, many major powers are competing among themselves to bring in young international talents. Is immigration the key to finding a solution to the demographic crisis? 
Has gun violence in the US deterred the dreams of expats?
Has gun violence in the US deterred the dreams of expats?
Since the start of 2023, there have been over 150 shootings in the United States. Some of the biggest ones include the assault at a 16th birthday celebration in Alabama, resulting in four fatalities, the school shooting in Nashville where three children and three adults lost their lives, and the mass shooting in Kentucky that claimed the lives of four individuals.
How to deal with burnout as an expat?
How to deal with burnout as an expat?
Moving to a new country can be an exciting adventure, but the challenges of adapting to a new culture, language, and lifestyle can also take a toll on an expat's mental health. In this article, we will explore practical strategies for identifying and coping with burnout as an expat, so you can stay healthy and enjoy your international experience to the fullest.
Expat blues when being away from your family
Expat blues when being away from your family
Separation from loved ones, especially family members, can lead to homesickness. Some expats find it so unbearable that they decide to return to their home country. Indeed, the distance can deter your plans, cause distress and lead to an urge to return. Returning expats have shared their expat blues with
How will Shanghai's expat exodus affect the local economy?
How will Shanghai's expat exodus affect the local economy?
At the end of March 2022, Shanghai went under a stringent lockdown. Its 25 million citizens were then unaware of what they would endure for more than two months, even when the authorities announced that they had come to terms with the COVID pandemic. It was mostly the morale of the inhabitants that got affected. Among them were expats who were increasingly worried about their future in the cosmopolitan Chinese city. One year later, China is back on the international scene. Tourists are expected to flow in again. But will the expatriates come back to Shanghai? Many observers believe that the wound will be hard to heal.
Overcoming the sense of non-belonging as an expat: Tips from expats
Overcoming the sense of non-belonging as an expat: Tips from expats
The journey of an expat is often filled with excitement, adventure, and opportunities for personal growth. However, amidst the allure of new experiences, there is an unspoken challenge that many expats face - the sense of not belonging. As they embark on this global odyssey, expats must grapple with a complex array of emotions and challenges, which include adapting to new cultures, languages, and social norms.
What are the challenges for expat women around the world?
What are the challenges for expat women around the world?
Embarking on an expat journey as a woman can be more challenging than for men. The level of safety and the stubbornness of patriarchal norms varies between countries. When women move abroad, they need to consider how this new country treats women and what gender norms reign in its corporate culture. Networking with both expat and local women can give them an emotional support system to navigate life there.