Lifestyle - Expat Magazine

Canada passes Bill C-13 to promote francophone immigration
Canada passes Bill C-13 to promote francophone immigration
As an officially bilingual country, Canada must ensure that French doesn't fall behind English in all of its provinces, not just in Quebec. In June, the Canadian government adopted a new bill to foster the immigration of francophone expats as well as promote the use of French in federal institutions.
Repatriation Blues: Why coming home is hard and what to do about it
Repatriation Blues: Why coming home is hard and what to do about it
Often, expatriation is understood to be one big adventure about which one can tell many stories back home. However, the truth is that repatriation (returning home) is often more difficult than expected. 
Countries with programs supporting professional expat women 
Countries with programs supporting professional expat women 
All countries are patriarchal to some extent, so it's often more challenging for expat women to adapt to their new professional lives abroad. There exist NGOs that can support them, but in some countries, notably Canada, the state itself has also created programs to facilitate the professional integration of women expats and immigrants. They provide training, develop the women's confidence and help them build networks. 
What countries are appealing for ambitious professionals but challenging for retirement?
What countries are appealing for ambitious professionals but challenging for retirement?
If you're currently 65 years old and living in the United States, you have another 20 years ahead of you — at least according to the US Social Security Administration. But here's the deal: this newfound longevity comes with some interesting twists and turns. Unlike your grandparents, today's pre-retirees and retirees are facing a totally different retirement landscape.
Canadian wildfires spreading smoke remain a hazard for nations
Canadian wildfires spreading smoke remain a hazard for nations
Last week, some countries in Northern Europe experienced smoke originating from numerous wildfires in Canada, following its widespread coverage over provinces and extensive regions of the United States earlier in the week. Although the dense smoke gradually diminished over the northeast during the past few days, the fires continued to present a significant hazard.
Bali authorities update regulations for foreign visitors and expatriates
Bali authorities update regulations for foreign visitors and expatriates
Bali remains open to tourists and expatriates but in compliance with certain rules. I Wayan Koster, the Governor of Bali, has issued a new circular to clarify things. Effective May 31, it sets out new rules for international tourists and expatriates alike. According to the governor, who has observed a "growing laxity" among some foreign visitors, this measure is essential.
Live-in relationships: Which countries have cultural restrictions?
Live-in relationships: Which countries have cultural restrictions?
People often tend to think that all countries have the same rules in this area (or rather, they don't ask themselves the question). But when it comes to moving abroad, it's essential to find out about your host country's culture. Can you live as a couple in another country without being married? Which countries do not recognize live-in relationships?
Portugal's expat boom: 500 000 new arrivals in 5 years
Portugal's expat boom: 500 000 new arrivals in 5 years
Portugal is currently one of the most attractive destinations for expats. Great aspects of expat life in this country include the existence of multiple types of visas, relatively low cost-of-living expenses and real estate prices, an attractive tax regime, and sunny Mediterranean weather. It should be no surprise that the Ministry of Labor has revealed that the number of expats in the country reached a stunning 650,000 in April, a 364% increase in 5 years.
Europe: the paradox of pro- and anti-immigration policies
Europe: the paradox of pro- and anti-immigration policies
Immigration has triggered vibrant debates in European parliaments lately, mainly in Hungary, France, Germany, the UK, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, and Denmark. Indeed, many European countries are redefining their immigration strategies for better balance. The war in Ukraine and the economic crisis resulting from the pandemic years are calling for action. But how should countries react to the urgency of labor shortages in particular? This is the crux of the debate between pro- and anti-immigration groups in Europe.
Namibia's landmark decision: Recognizing same-sex marriages contracted abroad
Namibia's landmark decision: Recognizing same-sex marriages contracted abroad
Namibia has made a significant stride towards recognizing the rights of same-sex couples, leading to celebrations and recognition of a "historic day" by both local and international press. The Namibian Supreme Court recently ruled that same-sex marriages contracted abroad should be acknowledged, emphasizing the importance of equal rights. Failing to recognize these rights would infringe upon the dignity and equality of foreign spouses. 
Is singlehood the best time to move abroad?
Is singlehood the best time to move abroad?
Moving abroad is a big decision, and timing can play a significant role in the success of your relocation. For many individuals, singlehood may seem like the ideal time to pursue an international move due to the lack of personal or family obligations. However, there are many factors to consider before taking the leap. In this article, we'll explore the pros and cons of moving abroad while single and provide tips on how to make the most of your singlehood while living in a new country.
What makes a country expat-friendly?
What makes a country expat-friendly?
In an increasingly interconnected world, where global mobility is becoming the norm rather than the exception, the concept of home has transcended geographical boundaries. People from all walks of life are venturing across borders in search of new opportunities, cultural experiences, and a better quality of life. These adventurous souls are known as expatriates or expats, individuals who choose to live outside their native country for work, education, retirement, or personal reasons.
Kris Lutchmayah: From the UK to Mauritius to reconnect with his roots
Kris Lutchmayah: From the UK to Mauritius to reconnect with his roots
Originally from Birmingham, in the UK, but with Mauritian roots, Kris Lutchmayah settled in Mauritius 10 years ago. A one-of-a-kind expat, he juggles a busy career as a property management specialist, digital marketer, actor and model, and a vibrant social life that includes exploring the island and promoting its beauty and richness via his social media channels. In this Interview, Kris Lutchmayah, or Just Kris for social media enthusiasts, talks to us about his daily routine, vegan lifestyle, and his long-term plans.
Adaptation: The key to enjoying your expat life in Canada
Adaptation: The key to enjoying your expat life in Canada
Elisabeth moved to Quebec, Canada, in the fall of 2021, with her partner and their two cats. The young French expat tells us what motivated her to leave everything behind and embark on a new adventure abroad. However, she warns that the reality may not be what you expected. Here are her tips for anyone looking to settle in this beautiful Canadian province.
How to thrive in a long-distance relationship as an expat?
How to thrive in a long-distance relationship as an expat?
The saying "out of sight, out of mind" couldn't be more wrong when it comes to long-distance relationships. These can be a constant challenge, even when your partner is just a few hours away. But when one of you lives abroad, the challenge becomes even more significant. It's an actual test of your love and commitment. So, how do you navigate the ups and downs of a long-distance relationship when you're living in different countries? How to make it work? In this article, we'll explore some tips and tricks to help you maintain a strong and healthy relationship, no matter the distance.
Making Europe your new home: The pros and cons for European citizens
Making Europe your new home: The pros and cons for European citizens
Setting off on an international adventure usually brings thoughts of faraway lands and fascinating cultures to mind. However, the experience of moving to a distant corner of the world differs from relocating to a neighboring country, especially in Europe. Since the early days of the European Union, member states have worked diligently to simplify immigration within Europe. What are the benefits of moving to another European country as a European citizen? And what are the potential challenges?
New tax raise makes things harder for Russians living and working abroad
New tax raise makes things harder for Russians living and working abroad
The Russian government recently took a significant step by introducing a bill in the parliament aimed at raising taxes for Russian citizens working abroad. The draft law, submitted to the State Duma, the lower house of Russia's parliament, proposes a notable tax rate increase for individuals outside Russia and subsequently losing their taxpayer status in the country.    
From Argentina to Barcelona: A freelancer's adventure
From Argentina to Barcelona: A freelancer's adventure
Born in Argentina, Vanessa has always been passionate about her Italian roots. This led her to Rome in 2015, the same year when she met the love of her life. In 2021, she decided to follow him to Barcelona, where they now enjoy a fulfilling expat life. Being a freelance translator, Vanessa shares her story of why she chose to move to Europe and all that comes with it.