Lifestyle - Expat Magazine

These are the most difficult languages for expats to learn
These are the most difficult languages for expats to learn
Any expat will tell you that one of the most important stages of settling abroad is usually the process of learning and understanding a new language. The truth is that full integration in one's host country requires that one manages to communicate verbally in the country's national language. However, some of these languages may be more challenging than others, which means that it may take some time and extra effort being to able to communicate in the language fluently. Let's find out about some of the languages that are the most difficult for expats to learn.
Will Jacinda Ardern's resignation impact immigration to New Zealand?
New Zealand
Will Jacinda Ardern's resignation impact immigration to New Zealand?
After 5 years as Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern resigned on January 19. She has since been replaced by her Labour Party colleague Chris Hipkins. While Ardern has cited burnout as the main reason for her resignation, it does come in the wake of her plummeting popularity in New Zealand. Her immigration policy, focused on making the system more selective, changed between 2017-2020 and 2020-2022.
Retiring abroad in 2023: Here's what you should consider
Retiring abroad in 2023: Here's what you should consider
Behind every plan to retire abroad lies a personal motivation, whether it's to fulfill a dream, meet a personal challenge, be closer to loved ones, explore the unknown, or find a new way of living. And paradoxically, the current context seems to be conducive to achieving these late-stage dreams. As if in defiance of the economic downturn, more and more retirees are choosing to retire abroad. How can such a project be envisaged in times of global crisis? What are the benefits of retiring abroad?
China reopens: What does this mean for expats and the economy?
China reopens: What does this mean for expats and the economy?
After 3 years, China finally reopened its borders on January 8. Most travelers can now enter the country only with a negative PCR test. Many expats in China feel relieved and want to resume enjoying the life they loved there. However, some who were stuck outside of China in March 2020 are hesitant about returning, and doubts remain about the economic prospects of expats in the country.
Immigration to Spain: What are the prospects in 2023?
Immigration to Spain: What are the prospects in 2023?
As Spain prepares to launch its new Digital Nomad Visa, what should you know about moving there in 2023? The country also has a new Startup Act to encourage entrepreneurship, even from expats, and it boasts of the lowest inflation in the EU and multiple new social welfare policies at the moment. Retirees have historically been a big expat demographic in Spain, but there are now increasingly more young expats in their 20s and 30s.
US immigration: the challenges of Biden's new policy
US immigration: the challenges of Biden's new policy
Joe Biden concedes that the latest decisions won't solve the problems undermining the immigration system. However, the American president is optimistic in his belief that these new measures will be of great help to the nation. How, in the context of an inflationary and global economic crisis, can labor shortages be addressed while at the same time firmly addressing the issue of illegal immigration? The American president is trying to reach out to the Republicans without alienating his supporters, which is a risky exercise, even for the most talented of balancers. What can we learn from the Biden administration's new immigration policy?
Why should you move abroad in 2023?
Why should you move abroad in 2023?
As 2023 rolls out, moving abroad plans are slowly resurfacing. With the world going through turbulent times since 2020, it looks like everything is working against travel ideas. But at the same time, other indicators suggest that the season of great overseas adventures is indeed picking up again. So, what's the point of moving abroad in 2023? Here are some thoughts and practical advice.
Drinking habits: What does it look like when you move abroad? 
Drinking habits: What does it look like when you move abroad? 
Moving abroad is an exciting decision to take, and it brings a lot of change to expats life: a new city, perhaps a different language and certainly another culture to discover. However, at what point are expatriates prepared to change their drinking habits and dive into another world? It can sound silly, but expats who are used to having their cocktails by the beach and suddenly find themselves with a glass of refined wine during a heavy winter can see the changing of habits as very challenging. 
Retiring abroad: What happens when conditions change?
Retiring abroad: What happens when conditions change?
Retiring abroad is a dream for many. In 2022, Thailand, Mauritius, Spain, Morocco, and Portugal were some of the favorite destinations for overseas retirement. But living in another country entails some practical issues for which retirees are not always well prepared. What should you do if the situation changes? How can the home country help? What if the host country changes its laws regarding foreign retirees? Can you appeal to your home country? 
Retiring in Vietnam for a better lifestyle: An expat's story
Retiring in Vietnam for a better lifestyle: An expat's story
Bob moved to Da Nang, Vietnam, four months ago. He left America to spend his retirement days in Vietnam. He enjoys spending his free time meeting people and talking to his family back in the States. Bob shares his experience with
Work, study, retirement: Why move abroad in 2023?
Work, study, retirement: Why move abroad in 2023?
During the early days of the COVID pandemic, some were betting on the end of expatriation. Governments were taking steps to promote the employment of locals, as in Singapore, where companies were encouraged to favor nationals. Did that mean that foreigners were no longer welcome? Did that point to a place where local policies would dictate the future of national economies? Obviously not! Actually, moving abroad plans only changed their form. Digital nomadism, entrepreneurship, professional opportunities, and studying abroad are as many facets of post-COVID moving abroad plans. So, why should you move abroad in 2023, and how? 
What is the outlook for expats in 2023?
What is the outlook for expats in 2023?
As expats enter a new year of living abroad and others are considering a move, it's high time to think ahead. Some destinations, for instance, Canada, are predicted to be very popular in 2023 because they appeal to many expats' current priorities. Furthermore, surveys reveal that lifestyle and cost of living are likely to be expats' priorities in 2023. The average age of expats is also predicted to keep getting younger.
Is the New Year like any other day when you live abroad?
Is the New Year like any other day when you live abroad?
Like other festivities, the New Year varies between cultures. In some countries, it is celebrated with pomp and splendor, while in others, the celebrations are toned down or focused on shopping. The Northern Hemisphere is in winter and the Southern Hemisphere is in summer on December 31, which also creates very different experiences. Many non-Western countries use another calendar than the Gregorian one and have another much more culturally significant “New Year” than December 31.
These countries offer adaptation or integration courses for expats
These countries offer adaptation or integration courses for expats
In many EU/EEA countries, there exist cultural integration programs to ensure that long-term expats learn the local language and understand the country well. France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Norway, Sweden and Estonia all offer such programs. Outside of the EU, the Canadian province of Quebec offers a similar program. 
How to go green in your expat country
How to go green in your expat country
Going abroad is exciting, but going green abroad is even better. How about making it your new year's resolution? Expats are increasingly concerned about the environment. But how to adapt your lifestyle in a foreign country? What are the best ways to consume less and in a responsible way? In other words, how to become an eco-expat?
Things that can shock expats in their host country
Things that can shock expats in their host country
Every expat has probably been surprised or even shocked by some aspects of the way of life in their host country. Food, work relations, culture are some of the small everyday particularities that one needs to learn to live with. But sometimes, some things won't pass... others are incompatible with our values. What should you do when you're not able to downsides of your expat country's culture? 
Expats reunite at home for the end of the year after 2 years of Covid
Expats reunite at home for the end of the year after 2 years of Covid
These last two years have been quite challenging for expatriates. Some of them have not been able to return home to celebrate Christmas and the New Year for almost two years. From restrictions in the host country to last-minute cancellations due to the pandemic, expats have not been spared.
Tips for planning your trip abroad during the holiday season
Tips for planning your trip abroad during the holiday season
With the oil crisis consequently affecting the price of kerosene, a critical factor for air travel, in addition to inflation and new environmental standards, air ticket prices have been soaring to unprecedented heights this year. The situation is as bad around the world, leading to rises in air ticket prices for the end-of-year holidays. To avoid saturation and stress a few days before Christmas, here are some tips to make the most of your flight.