All about taxes for expats in Mexico

Hi everyone,

Taxation is an important subject, especially when you are an expatriate in Mexico. We would like to know what you think about the tax system in your host country. This could be helpful to other people preparing for expatriation in Mexico.

How to do your tax return in Mexico? Are there different steps beforehand and if so, what are they?

Is it easy or did you have to get help to complete it?

Are there any important elements that should be taken into account when doing your tax return in Mexico?

If you are self-employed, do you need an accountant to do your tax return?

Is there a non-double taxation agreement with your home country? In any case, do you have to pay taxes there as well?

Thanks for your contribution!

Diksha, team

TAX RETURN is a confusing name used in your inquiry. I usually do not receive any taxes returned to me. Please avoid confusing terminology even if your Taxistas use it.
I went to the tax office SAT in MX to ask. If I do not have income in Mexico my tax is limited to the respective surcharge on goods and services I obtain and pay for.
The person who told me knew that I am Canadian, the subject of double tax agreement were not touched.

Once a business is registered taxation for this begins. The lowest is kind of street vendor license, musicians, etc. (no book keeping) which is a flat amount each month.
May be SAT in MxCity has English documents?

ezpaci wrote:

TAX RETURN is a confusing name used in your inquiry...

I suppose it's understandable that there is some confusion for speakers of English as a second language.

However, in the United states, that's exactly what the tax form submitted by the taxpayer is called.

A Tax Return

The name has nothing to do with a REFUND or REBATE of taxes paid, although that is the form that is used in order to apply to get a tax refund if one is due.

For Canadians, Mexico has a tax agreement. If retired / on pension and am a resident of Mexico with a pensioner's visa, it is my understanding that you don't file Mexican income taxes if you have no income earned in Mexico (one lives on Canadian pensions). As a Mexican resident, would I have to file Canadian taxes too???? Let me know how it works.

In my investigation so far the Canada-Mexico tax treaty allows you to pay Canadian taxes on your Canadian income and not worry about the Mexican tax system

Not true for investment income - Mexico taxes on your worldwide income. If your only Cdn income traces to CPP, OAS, RRIF - then you just pay Cdn taxes but investment income is taxed by Mexico. I believe many Canadians are residents of Mexico and are filing Cdn taxes - this is incorrect.

Things are confusing - If I was a resident of Mexico using a Pensioner's visa and have Cdn CPP / OAS / RRSP income (all of these the Cdn gov't withholds 25% or so for taxes if you are a non-resident of Canada). However, investment income needs to be reported in Mexico - at least that is my understanding even if the investment income is generated outside Mexico. Can anyone confirm this? Thanks

From what I read on the CRA website, they withhold 15% on your CPP and OAS if you are a resident of Mexico.  If you were like me (in that my combined benefits would be below a taxable rate) you could apply to have part or all of the holdback eliminated. Part 217

The holdback can increase to 25% depending on the amount I think but if you file Cdn taxes, you still pay on investment income. If you file in Mexico, you pay tax on your worldwide income - CPP / OAS are taken into consideration and you get a rebate or credit on the tax withheld by the Cdn gov't. I think that is how it works.