For 6 month in spanishlookout, how to buy car?

Me and my familie plan to stay for 6 month in berlize as tourist.
can I have a vehicle registered in my name as a 'tourist'?

where can i do this in this neighborhood? (spanishlookout)

I want to sell the car after 6 months with a big discount.
but how is the market? will I lose the car soon?

the steps I think I need to take;
1. put car in my name
2. insure
3. have the car inspected.
is this correct?

Is it possible to stay in NOT gold standart rental houses? Or do we get in problems by the border.
Do you have to say at the border that you be staying for 6 month?

Yes, you can buy a car in Belize.
Yes, it has to be insured and inspected.
Selling the vehicle might be an issue because you are not a Belizean citizen or permanent resident, not sure about that aspect.
I don't know if the GOB has relaxed the lodging standards. You can check the website.
The immigration form has a an entry for where you are planning to stay, and also where you stayed, when you leave. They are probably not going to 'check-up' on you.
You do not have to indicate how long you plan to be in Belize.

Please PM me. I think I know someone can help you with that.
