This is an oddball question. My wife (living in USA) is supporting her mother who has dementia and lives in Costa Rica. One of the thing she needs to help with is paying the bills (utility etc). Now this can be done using online banking with a local Costa Rican bank. However, we need to register a phone number for two factor authentication with the bank (so that they can send us the SMS code/challenge for online banking). I know I can get a CR phone number by buying a CR pre-paid card at one of the providers (Kolbi-ICE, Movistar...). The issue is that this number needs to work in USA. Which means we will need to pay roaming charges. I think there are no fees for inbound SMS so that helps.
My question: Has anybody else been in the same position? Is there a better way to setup two factor authentication with a bank? Is there a CR phone service that works well in USA?
Thanks for your answers and help in advance.