New Taxes are coming to finance all that stimulus spending!

Enzyte Bob wrote:
manwonder wrote:

If only anyone (chinese included) could borrow funds from me at 25% interest would have meaning once again!

You can become a 5/6, (community banker)
Loan 5,000 php get 6,000 php back in a week

Hahaha...thanks but no thanks!...Its already real tough just staying alive here!..Last thing you want is someone out to kill you because they can't pay you back.
I'm still quite happy with *6/0.05...where i don't even get back my capital on interest free loans  given to various relatives to purchase tricycle/fishing boat amongst others!


A good read & clear warning to other expats! … -6-lending

mugtech wrote:
manwonder wrote:
Enzyte Bob wrote:

While talking to the Pit Boss he bragged the Casino was built on borrowed money from Malaysia. He said despite the 25% interest, the casino is making money hand over fist.

If only anyone (chinese included) could borrow funds from me at 25% interest would have meaning once again!

There are no guarantees, only collateral and a legal struggle to collect it.

Agreed : Only death & taxes are guaranteed!

Yes. This is  normal here. Interest of loan is 5/6. For small amount.