Covid-19 cases in Philippines

As I write 11 new cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in Philippines bringing the total to 35. As Philippines is a relatively poor country and does not have what can be called a joined up health system I'd like to hear opinions on the likely outcomes if (as in outher countries) 35 cases becomes 70 cases and 70 cases becomes 140 cases and the total doubles or more daily. Will the government here have the means and the will to test and quarantine anyone who has been in contact with someone who has already tested for the virus. Everything here in Philippines has to be paid for and hospital patients are usually fed by their families not by the hospital. The majority of Filipinos cannot afford hospital care so who will pay????

Most countries are not charging for care or housing for those forced or asked to quarantine!

That's a really good and tough question. Can you imagine the infection rates in the slum areas of Manila et al?  I would guess that the government will not pay for anything and just let death have a holiday.

If the Phils is hit hard, it will kill tourism as well since tour operators know the country's problems in health care and would not want any associated liability.

Maybe China will step in as a white knight, bail the RP out and absorb the country.  The US isn't wanted anymore but maybe we will be  loved again for our money.