Lost passport in China with valid residence permit or Visa

I was wondering If I get an Emergency travel document now, but my residence permit is in my lost passport Is it possible to use a photocopy of the residence permit from the lost passport to leave China?
I cannot leave now as I am still studying and I cannot apply for a 6 month Visa because that means I have to leave the country every 30 days and I cannot afford that. Any information you may have would really help.

My friend, I am so very sorry to hear this. Yes, you are in a bind.

You should not turn to the internet for Chinese answers. This is China. Business is conducted face to face in very important matters. This is a very important matter.

You need to get a Chinese local and hike down to the local customs and speak to them face to face and discuss what you can do. They will tell you. Follow their instructions EXACTLY.

It may mean that your stay in China is abruptly terminated.

However, If you were prudent and followed the advice provided here on expat.com, you would have a photocopy of your passport and visa. Presenting them to the customs officials will go a long way to alleviating your problem.

If you do not have that, your work will be 10x more difficult. But not to worry. Your employer will have copies of this, and will then provide you with duplicates that you will be able to use.

Best regards.