İnfo about life in Casa..

Hi everybody. My husband has a new job opportunity in Casa, and another one in Paris. İt is hard for us to decide since we dont have deep info about Casa. apart from the job, if we compare the life in both cities, cost of living, education, safety, social life etc, what kind of information can you give, especially as european expats living in casa for some time.. Are there some important things we need to know before we come? What was the difficulties you faced with?
Thank you very much in advance..

Welcome on Ece_ist ;)

I hope that other members of the site will be able to share their experiences in regards to your above queries.

Best of luck with your move.


Hi, there is a facebook page called "Expats living in Casablanca" which you might want to refer to - there are lots of long term expats on there who would be able to provide info for you.
Good luck!

Hi Adam, thank you very much but we decided to go to Paris at the end.
Thanks again,
