Active Singles - Southside of the Island?

It's easy meeting other women here but not so easy meeting other mature SINGLE women (or men, for goodness sake) since I work from home. Most of the friends I have made are married but I am very single and in my 40's and I like to go out dancing and stuff and would LOVE to meet other singles near Ponce. PU-LEEEASE, reply if you'd like to get together and hang out sometime =0)

Oohhh, maybe we can start an active singles group!


Hey!!! My name is AlexAndra  and I'll be glad to meet you and do some fun “single” things! I'm hoping we can meet. I'll move in the next few weeks!

YAY, of course and absolutely! Let me know when you get here and get settled in. =0)

I moved to Old San Juan from Michigan in April...I travel the island and would love to make some female friends:)
