I am from chennai, Tamilnadu , India

can someone please confirm whether 7000 riyal per month is enought to survive with my wife in Jeddah Saudi Arabia.

It Depends on Number of family memebers you have.
For a medium size family you can survivie without  much savings.
First look out your salary on Bayt dot com using salary calculator with the position you applying.
People get trapped here on lower salaries if they dont have idea about the salary range for a particular post you applying for.

is it 8000 riyal is fine for IT consultant job in jeddah and sufficient to survive in jeddah?

family size is me nd my wife alone

Thanks for the reply. Is it 7000 riyal is enough to live in jeddah with my wife. also 7000 riyal for IT consultant job is correct payscale?

bayt.com/en/salaries/    Please check your salary here on this link

I hope you took tax into your estimation and the upcoming vat being placed

No problem dear you can

Hi Vinoth

Give your local mobile no.

I am from Chennai, i may give you a some inputs for your query. IF you required !