House Rentals in Mwanza

Looking to rent a house for family of four in Mwanza. Any leads or ideas of real estate agents will be appreciated. Thank you.

Hi Cathy,

You could drop a "looking for" advert in the Housing in Tanzania section of the website and contact the professionals recommended in the Real estate in Tanzania section of the business directory.

All the best,

Depending on your budget I may be able to recommend some location.

I recommend you post that ad on mwanza mailing list. Its a social network and i am sure you will get someone to help you

Hi Nevigomes,

Could you please share with me more details on what is available and where?


Thanks for tip. Will do.


Cathy. Its depends on your your budget. Houses ranges from mere $100 to $1500, the highest being the most comfortable and safe. There are houses in Capri point, Isamilo, Eccliff (name of a multi storey building). I am not a middleman. I can suggest you good places.

Always look for good secure place.