Taxi company help asap

Hey guys me and a friend just caught a taxi home in saigon. We have the drivers name. The company color is green and they have a white sheet thing like airplane head rests over the back seat. Does anybody by some chance know the companies name? Beers for the whoever helps us out :)

Mai Linh , phone 38 38 38 38
I don't drink

Yeah, must be Mai Linh. Hope you have more than his surname and even then, searching by name could be hard, so many people have the same names...

Next time, punch the cab's number into your phone. I seldom use a cab here, but whenever I do and also abroad, I always note the cab number (not license plate).

Wish you good luck!

Was vinasun. The driver is there poster boy. Thanks guys

Vinasun is a red and dark green color , you must have been pissed