Hi Maximilien,
What do you think of the way people drive in Gambia?
Westerners Drive Normally, The Gambian's drive any way, go on the wrong side.
Respecting the road safety rules, driving etiquette such as general courtesy, what are the characteristics of the driving style in Gambia?
Westerners Drive Normally, driving etiquette such as general courtesy, Crap, but they are getting better..
Speed excess… Only got a New Vehicle, most go around at 30/40mph, and things pop of, Tyres, Exhaust, Doors..!!! Oh and Goats and Chickens..!!!
Share with us the difficulties one may face when driving in Gambia: peak hours, road conditions, accident, etc. and your advice to drive safely in the country.
Gambia: peak hours, get a good Book.. Road conditions, not to bad, but when you go of the Tarmac, Your on Sand.. As for accident's strange not many..