
Annoying !

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I Just wanted to express my feeling,Once i declined the request from "Expats" then could you just STOP sent ??????????? It's not because i'm open to accept request,but just doesn't feel want to accept because of too many reasons.

Thank You


Kate, and other ladies who have the same problem: please report these members and the team will take care off!!!
If you don't do anything, it will continue.
You can report them by clicking on the icon above their name and a short motivation why.
If possible don't delete these requests for investigation.


Doesn't the "Block" feature work?


Don't know but in my opinion there is a difference: someone blocking means that he/she cant contact you anymore but can annoying/harassing  other people. If you report them the Team delete the account.
I prefer the last option  ;)


No member, male or female, should simply accept annoying or inappropriate postings or private messages. While topic postings are on public view and sooner or later will be seen by TEAM and action will be taken, your private messages are not (unless you report them).

Once a posting or message is reported TEAM will take the appropriate action quickly and this may range from a warning, to temporary ban or even permanent ban that prevents even the possibility to register under a new account.

As Primadonna correctly mentioned, blocking messages from a member may resolve YOUR problem, but that leaves the offending member free to continue to annoy others. Rules violations should ALWAYS be reported, you're not only helping yourself, but also countless other members who you may never even get to know.

William James Woodward, EB Experts Team


Primadona is always enlighten me (all the way,as she knows me personaly) :) Bless her :))

I am always misunderstood. Take my friendly or can say "overly friendly gestures". I get tons of hecklers over my public behaviour of being too friendly. I try to explain myself and it's exhausting at times because I wonder why it is a issue. It's me and if you wanted to see the different,Diplomatic side of me then go ahead !. I am not transparent but open and honest. I am sensitive just like the next person. I try not to be rude or hurtful to others but don't always feel that I am understood. It has always been this way for me. was either to young to pretty or just not what people expected me to be at a surface level. I learned to put a wall around myself so that I could protect my feelings from the many people that bullied me everyday. I finally came to the conclusion that I am different. I have a different story and life and that is good enough for me. If someone has a problem with me than so be it...things is not easy..Trust me !


I have the same problem, but always Arab men who are NOT expats. You have to block them.


Vwbug..the same case happening to most of the ladies here,hahahahaa...Funny how guys reacted  :mad: weird world


Hi vwbug,

Yes, of course you should block them, but you should ALWAYS report them too. If you don't report them then how in the world do we get rid of them???

If you report them, then they are no longer here so they're not bothering you OR ANYBODY ELSE.

The ONLY person you're really helping by not reporting the perverts is the pervert!

William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team


It does work with the "Block" button  :D  but..i wonder how sometimes they keep Reappeared ? It’s not always easy to recognize if there’s something to learn from rejection  :top:  or if the rejection is merely a consequence of someone else’s unmet expectations,like the Request for example :)


Thanks!  I will remember to report.  Appreciate your help.


Kate29 wrote:

I try to explain myself and it's exhausting at times because I wonder why it is a issue.

You shouldn't have to explain yourself.  The people who are meant to be in your life will understand you.  The people who will never understand you probably shouldn't be in your life.


vwbug wrote:

I have the same problem, but always Arab men who are NOT expats. You have to block them.

Report them and they will disappear, but don't point out that they're mostly Arab.  That will only cause problems for you later.


Kate29 wrote:

It does work with the "Block" button  :D  but..i wonder how sometimes they keep Reappeared ? It’s not always easy to recognize if there’s something to learn from rejection  :top:  or if the rejection is merely a consequence of someone else’s unmet expectations,like the Request for example :)

Some people assume that if you reject them, there must be something wrong with you.  Since they are God's gift to women, it can't be them.


How will it cause me problems later?  It's true, they are mostly *****.


I've been told not to talk about it.  So I'll tell you the story.  It's only going to be censored anyway.

When I rejected some horny Arab guy, he called me a "dirty Jew whore".  I said something like, "I'm not dirty.  I bathe every day.  Twice a day in the summer".

I thought that was a pretty good response, but since I never denied the Jewish part, my relationship with the moderators went straight down the toilet.  None of my "friends" came to my defense and, in fact, several of them joined the Jewish-bashing bandwagon.  More than a few took the anti-woman path.  Since this site supposedly does not approve of racial discrimination or predation against women, I was a little surprised.  I've since learned how naïve that was of me.

The lessons are: never underestimate the boys club, and be careful who you reject.  Some will accept it and move on.  Some will take vengeance.  Once they turn it into a war between men and women, you know what's going to happen.

You will hear again and again that this is not a dating site, and new members are dealt with swiftly, but that doesn't necessarily make it a safe haven for women.  Especially if you upset a man.  It doesn't take much to reach the point where they can say absolutely anything they want about you, but all of your replies are censored.


Yes, I agree.  What scares me is I had one guy bugging me constantly on here.  I blocked him.  Next thing I know he popped up on my FB asking to "friend" me. 
I don't use my name on here ever, that really worries me.


Hello vwbug

You can report such issue, even when you receive private messages, you will notice a little 'Report' button near the private message. Please do Report such users immediately for Team to handle the case.

Kenjee Team


I believe there's a good solution to ward off harassment on expat-blog. Why not add an option that enables a member to receive messages only from confirmed contacts? A social networking website even allows members to block messages from specific countries!


Hi RoyalDuke > We are working on it and thank you for your suggestion. For now, i invite everyone to use the reporting system.

Thank you.


Hi Christine, that would be a great addition to this great website. Thank you!

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