Possibility of moving to Puert Rico?

I am a 43 year old nurse. I am married and have two teenage daughters. We have a basic understanding of Spanish, but would need to get into much better practice.
I have a reliable pension income (but small- approx $2,500.00 USD per month) , and have no debt. However, we would be moving with a limited amount of money in hand to start with.
Our girls home-school, and we would like to continue this. Our dream is to find a place to pick up a few acres of land and start a small homestead. Thus, we would be able to provide much of our own sustenance after the first year or two.
I am wondering if this kind of thing might be possible in PR. Much of the construction work we can/will do ourselves.
If this may not be possible there, maybe a suggestion as to where it might work would be appreciated.
Thanks for any information you might be able to offer!


Sure, you can move to PR - as it is - administratively - part of the USA there is no need to get immigration and work permits. I have heard that there is market for nurses in PR (otherwise it is difficult to get a job there, especially after a prolonged recession, which in PR lasted lot's longer than in the USA), but your pension should be more than adequate to sustain you while you are learning Spanish and learning the islnad life in PR. I have recently lived in PR for almost two years and put a lot of info on various aspects of living there on my blog, which you are welcome to visit, if you like.