
Vancouver - 20 years

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I am so lucky to have re-located from a smog-filled, land-locked British city, to Canada's Pacific coast.

While it has been a struggle to make ends meet for much of the time (Paradise does cost money!), looking back now from a position of being almost mortgage free, and facing an impending retirment - for my wife, but not me - it has all been worth it.

Despite 6 weeks of mid winter and deep summer that are uncomfortable, we are in a temprate climate, ably stwarded by a middle-of-the-road Social Democratic Goverment style, and a virtually crime-free area, when compared to othrte like-sized cities.

Come out to Vancouver - a great place to visit and live - if you can afford it.

See also

Living in Vancouver: the expat guideProject to live and work in VancouverRent a flat or a house in VancouverAustralian wanting to move to VancouverUk trained psychiatric nurse- work opportunities in BC

Hello stevej1.

Welcome to! :)

Thank you for sharing.



Hi stevej1,

I know you're just trying to make me HOMESICK, and it's working quite well - believe me.

Seriously, the Greater Vancouver Regional District is consistently voted the best place on earth to live in and for a number of very good reasons.

While I was actually born and raised in Hamilton, ON I will always consider Vancouver my real home. I hope that one day soon I'll get the chance to come back for a visit. Eleven years is really too long to have been away.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team


It IS PAradise...but Rio isn't too bad, either!

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